Talk about kicking you when you are down!
You all know I just lost my first baby through miscarriage and that my mum was supportive through out the whole ordeal... well it didn't last.
She called me last night and informed me that there had been a committee meeting held and that the elders had decided due to the circumstances that they would disfellowship me.
She also informed me that I have 7 days to appeal the decision. Like I would!
One thing I was thinking of, and I hope this comes out with some sense is:
They say that if you are not "legally" married, you are fornicating. They say they base this on the bible. Please show me a scripture in the bible where they sign a legal document to say we are married.
Ok I know what you are thinking, thats the law of the land BUT..
- the law recongises a defacto relationship as a legally binding relationship....
- When we get baptised, we do not sign any legal documents, it is only before God and witnesses.
I have made a commitment before God and family and friends, shouldnt it also now be a legal binding contract, just like baptism??
I know I am just rambling and that it may not make any sense or any difference but, it just shows how they, the borg, twist the bible to suit themself.
I am happy to be df'd and didnt even feel sad like I thought I would. I am glad to be finally free.
thats me for now...
love kelpie