Jehovah & the Military

by MMTP 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • starScream

    Al Bundy would weigh the gravity of the situation with big eyes for a second then knock him out.

    I would rather be guilty of a lie than of murder any day.

    If I had to choose I would also but I was just trying to point out the irony of your suggestion albeit quite piously ;)

  • Yerusalyim

    Heathen, You are REALLY lost on this issue, and I suspect others as well. The killing that has to be done in the military is NOT murder. Sorry, it never has and never will meet the definition for murder. Our friend in question is no longer in basic training as you imply but suggesting he lie to the drill Sergeant. Lying would be a grave sin. If the guy is having scrupuls about the military service as a christian deal, then lying would also be out for him. Claiming Conscientious Objector status won't get you out of the military either. First, the military doesn't have to grant the status, second, even if it does, there are plenty of jobs one can serve in where they won't have to take a person's life. You should stick to stuff you know, this issue isn't one of them. If you're so concerned about your "fellow humans" dying go do something about the drug problem. Leave protecting the freedoms of this great nation to Christians like me.

  • heathen

    yeruslyim --- As far as I'm concerned everything you stated so far is a lie .

  • Yerusalyim


    Which part was a lie, the part where I cite scripture to show my point, or the part where I draw upon my 13 years of military experience.

  • Joker10

    Why weren't ealry Christians involved in political affairs? If a acommander asks a soldier to kill his fellow "brothers" of Country A, would he do it? What kind of love is that?

  • heathen

    Good point joker. Jesus refered to his followers as being sheep sent out amongst wolves not as a great military force similar to the ancient arangement with Isreal . There are plenty of christian scripture that condemn the act of taking human life . I could sit here and quote them to my hearts content . I am not trying to convert people to my ideas but take an honest look at what the teachings in the new testament are saying .

  • Yerusalyim


    You still didn't answer me about which part I was lying about.

    I've shown you the scriptures I have to support the idea that serving in the military is NOT inconsistent with being in the military.

    Early Christians WERE involved in politics as much as anyone in the ancient world could be. By the end of the 1st Century AD the Christians Numbered Senators and members of the Emperor's household. The third Bishop of Rome, Clement, might have served as Consel of Rome. The same is true for the military. One way the faith reached some areas is that soldiers took it with them when they were deployed to the borders.

  • heathen

    yerusalyim-- The concept of apostasy was also introduced in the first century.From what I remember here is Jesus teaching to love your neighbor as yourself and not to be part of the world .He even istructed them to love their enemies and accept persecution and hatred from the world as if it were coming from satan .The apostles wrote plenty of stuff referring to not returning evil for evil and to let God return injury for injury .Romans 12:17-21.

  • Realist


    since your current employer as well as your current religion are full of lies and BS i would suggest that you get out of both!

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