Americans Only--RSVP
by patio34 37 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks TeeJay! I posted on the appropriate thread. I've been away a lot more than I thought. Maybe that's why I couldn't get my post up.
The US is most definitely becoming a fascist country. That is why all of the blind nationalism I see scares the hell out of me. Seriously, it reminds me of all those people yelling "Heil HItler!".
I was at PrideFest Milwaukee this weekend, and bought a shirt that has a drawing of the United States, and says "Land of the Free*" and at the bottom says"*Some restrictions apply. Void where prohibited."
Thanks Asortofafairytale! It doesn't have to be this way if enough people become informed and let the government representatives know that the people are not being represented. -- pat
One of the ways in which the U.S. government continues to abuse its citizens is to continue to palm off the idea that the form of our government is a democracy, that all things are thus possible if you get enough people to rase hell about it. And the great thing is that the rights of minorities can be ignored. It's the usual ear-tickling lie from the left and from governent
This government over here is a repbulic. It respects the rights of the minority, which is good, since the democrat party is about to receede into the minority party in the US. It's taken nearly half a century to get the Amnerican people to realize this simple truth; longer for N.O.W. to catch up to this warming reality.
So stand back and see what happens when the two collide. Well, its going to be fun. I think I can say get your popcorn ready - um, and a beverage
The way I see it is the US can't be far behind from going communist . I often think of the George Orwell 1984 or animal farm when I think of the direction the country is headed in .I think we are at war with eurasia at this time and not sure exactly what anyone is saying .It's like new speak and double think .The US acts like the problems of the entire world can be solved by dropping bombs on people .That is definate signs of facism in my book. When you think that the constitution only had one federal law to begin with and that was treason just take a look at what these people in government have been up to in that regard it's a wonder they haven't found a way to legislate how many breaths of air you are entitled to in a day.
I think you're misinformed. Under the Patriot act the FBI DOES INDEED have to get a warrant from a judge, just not the USUAL judge. There has been in existence in this country for decades a special court that deals specifically with National Security Issues. The FBI must acquire a Warrant from this court in order to access the records you mention. The powers granted aren't that much broader then the ones used against Organized Crime and the Pro-Life movement under the RICO statutes.
I have to be honest, I've never so much as heard of The Patriot Act II.
Like I always ask, in what way has any of your personal civil liberties been violated?
When I was telling my mom (a Shrub supporter) that I think the current administration acts suspiciously like fascists she got quite offended (as do most Shrub supporters when you question their current god). "Are you telling me that I'm a fascist?" she asked.
I told her that I understand that fascism is an idealistic political philosophy, but yes, if she supports them that would make her a fascist.
What I don't understand is why ordinary working people would support fascists. The only people who really benefit are the elite. They try to demonize any perspective that attempts to give the working people a larger share of the labor unions...or anything that would undermine their elevated place in the world.
'Tis a mystery to me, since I saw this coming when they got so ballsy and obvious during the presidential selection.
Only in America do we impeach a president for lying about a bj, but sit back on our hands and do nothing when the president lies to accomplish a coup in another country. I guess that makes some sense though, people and the useless democrats in office did nothing to stop it when he did the same thing in this country.
BTW, does Florida have constitutional procedures for a vote recount in place yet?
You're no more unbiased than the worst partisan on the board (which might be me). Ya keep talking about Bush lying, but the facts don't support that. Faulty intelligence? Maybe. Ya'll didn't seem to doubt Clinton back in 98 when he said the Iraqis had WMD. So, where's the lie?
Facism? In what way, and more practically, how have ANY of your civil rights been violated? You can still vote, you can still speak freely (NOT GOVERNED by the Political Correctness Police of the Clinton era) you can assmeble, you can criticize the Government, address the government of grivances, travel, watch what you want, read what you want, etc etc etc, so, in what way have your civil liberties been harmed. Considering the nature of our enemy, we've been pretty level headed about how we deal with this whole thing.
I as a lower middle class guy will benefit from the Bush Tax cuts and from having a Republican in office. Had Gore been elected I would have seriously considered leaving military service. If Clinton could come up with a third term (like he wants) I would leave the military (same is Hillary ever becomes Prez). I see the Democrats as having a much more detrimental effect on my civil liberties than a Republican.
US History has had its share of poor judgements. Roosevelt detained 200,000 US Citizens during WWII. Bush has detained 760 Illegal aliens after 9/11....when its placed in context, it does not seem as bad.
The real assault is coming from the War on Drugs (Asset Forfeiture) and the Income Tax (Privacy Rights and Constitutional questions)..........