Are there any real reasons to go on living?

by Robdar 78 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Agent Double- O- Soul
    Agent Double- O- Soul

    Because if you weren't here, this board would lose just a little of it's warmth.

    And in here, lots of people need all the warmth they can get.

    Chin up, pet...


  • greven

    Enjoy the nice bits of life....



  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    I used to get so pessimistic about life in general that I couldn't think of any "good" reasons to go on. Mind you I have plenty, Sheila, my kids, my grand daughter, my friends here. Even with all that "good" stuff, situations arise that make me wonder. You just get tired.

    We all have a responsibility to our loved ones to be there for them. When that doesn't seem like enough and the warm fuzzies of family and friends seems empty, then fall back on your riteous indignation. Get pissed, it is your duty to outlive your enemies. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing your demise. Fight for all your worth and expose them for what they are.

    Sheila is going to try calling you today. Maybe we can get together for coffee again.


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    I recently asked a friend "What is the meaning of life" simply being cute. "Bob" is probably the sharpest knife in the drawer. He wrote back, "there is no meaning - that's the joke." No one knows what is really going on with this existence - beyond the obvious sort of things. Beliefs maybe wild speculation - but they are important nonetheless. If your beliefs comfort you, they have utility. Do you find it usful to believe that there are no real reasons to go on living? I doubt that very much. Believe something that comforts and makes sense to you. Don't worry about what someone else believes.

    Did you see the movie "City Slickers" a few years ago? Remember Billy Crystal trying to get back his smile and the old cowboy asked him if he knew the secret to life? The secret was "one thing" and Billy Crystal's character had to figure out what that one thing was. That's the way it is for all of us.

    A pretty good place to start is to go help someone who is worse off than you are. You'll feel needed and make the world a better place in the process. My dad is one of the happiest people I know - and still a JW I might add. He spends most of his day driving around to help different family members and friends. Getting out of the house and getting involved with other people did the trick for him. Others have posted what works for them but you hold the key. You ascertain the "real reasons" to go on living. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy? What are your best memories? Who would you like to see? Where would you like to go? What would you like to eat next?

    Life is over all too fast anyway, don't you think? I'm hoping you'll find some reasons that make sense to you!

    Keep Smilin'


  • SheilaM

    I tried to call again just an answering machine hmm

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    What is the point to living when all is insanity? What sort of cosmic joke is being played out in our lives?

    That's why I love pets.

    Cats aren't given to introspection. If cats were told their life was a 'cosmic joke', the cat's response would be, "So?" Cats don't sit around and wonder whether or not the Bible is God's word, or whether there is a God or not. They know that just being a cat is enough and their life is not changed by answers (or lack of answers) to those types of questions. The sun comes up in the morning whether there is a God or not. Their life really wouldn't change either way. They sit in their sunbeam, they bug their people when the food dish is empty, and they don't waste time and effort worrying about the "big philosophical questions in life" that are actually impossible to answer with any degree of uncertainty. A cat's response to "What is the meaning of life?" would be "Who cares? Right now there's a sunbeam over there with my name on it. Gotta go."

    Dogs don't take a lot to make them happy. If the cat kicks them off the comfy chair, they go find another place to sleep and like it there too. Sometimes you get to go for a ride in the car and get to hang your head out. Laying with your head in the lap of somebody you love is the best thing in life. These things don't change if you suddenly think the Bible might not be God's word and maybe some other religion is right. Your food dish is still in the same place. Bones can be chewed just as well.

  • pettygrudger

    Hey Lady - what is up with this???!!!!

    I remember a post you started - I'll try to find it, but it was a post I will never forget, and think about everytime I'm feeling kinda down - the "10 Things You're Most Grateful For" thread - do you remember?

    I also know a beautiful woman, who when I first started posting on these boards, reached out to me, who answered my posts, who cared enough to send hugs when needed, or just to respond when no one else did. A wonderfully talented woman, who even though had many ups & downs, and traumatic events in life, still found time to make OTHERS feel good, loved or appreciated. Someone who took alot of crap for no seemingly good reason, yet still kept her sense of humor & positive outlook on life. You are all those things, and you have touched many of us more than we've probably told you, and without you, this world would be a sadder place. You are needed, you are cared about & you are loved. This is what makes life worth living, and you have some of the greatest gifts already that some will never don't take the sharing of that gift from those of us that DO consider your friendship such - it wouldn't be fair. I don't know what I would do if I ever logged on here and couldn't find a few Robdar words of wisdom, or beautiful poetry.

    We're all here for you Robdar - just continue reaching out until you're back on your feet & your old self again.

    Love You!


  • PurpleV


    I have a must-read book for you. It helped change my life. It's about learning how to deal with changes.

    "Who Moved My Cheese," by Spencer Johnson, MD

    I'd be happy to send it to you if you want.

  • proplog2

    Looking for reasons to continue living is an absurd passtime.

    It is one of those luxuries we can engage in because evolution gave us a big brain.

    Start looking instead for a reason to die. Some big cause you can disolve your life in.

  • patio34

    Okay, where's Robdar? You're worrying us.

    Here's a saying I like: when you're depressed, learn something new. Also, if you take up running, it will force out gloomy thoughts. Oftentimes, it isn't a change of circumstances that brings relief to depression, but a mysterious change of attitude. You can set out to do other things, but the side benefit is a better mood.

    Another thing: what if a friend or i came to you with the same question? What advice would you give me? I bet you would give really good advice, so you hold it within your own power to bring relief to yourself.

    Be your own therapist/best friend.

    Btw, wasn't it you that started dating recently? Does that have anything to do with it? I've been dating too. A man I went out with last night (blind date) was very compatible, until he told me he was still married!! I'm feeling a bit blue today because I really liked him, other than that major problem!

    Please consider what you would tell me or someone else in all honesty if we came to you with the same question, okay?



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