Are there any real reasons to go on living?

by Robdar 78 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • teejay

    My first marriage lasted 13 years. All together, there was maybe ... and I say MAYBE ... 100 days of happiness. The rest was misery, just putting up with each other... hoping things would get better. Still, when it ended I was depressed as hell. I knew deep down that it was for the best – that she and I would never be happy – but for some reason I was still depressed. I'd hoped to do something my folks never did and be married for life. Didn't work out, and looking back now, I'm happy as hell it didn't.

    Life gets better. If you let it.

    "Most of my major disappointments have turned out to be blessings in disguise." -- William Gaines

  • Billygoat

    I have a must-read book for you. It helped change my life. It's about learning how to deal with changes.

    "Who Moved My Cheese," by Spencer Johnson, MD

    Awesome book! And it's easy reading.

  • plmkrzy
  • SheilaM

    plm: why are you recent posts blank

  • jgnat

    Billygoat, I absolutely love that Cheese book, and you are right, it is a life-changer. I had all my staff read it. It is a great little book on how to adjust to change. I don't know if it will help Robyn right now, because what she has sounds more and more like clinical depression. In other words, no matter how rosy the sunshine or warm the day, she cannot feel the glow right now.

    Robdar, a whole bunch of people are really worried about you. Could you please post a short note to let us know you are OK.

  • Robdar

    Could you please post a short note to let us know you are OK

    I am here. I am not okay, but havent done anything foolish.

    I just need some sleep.

    I thank you all for your love and concern.


    I have edited this post to keep my enemies from having too much information.

  • jgnat

    Thank you for checkin in, Robyn. Besides some sleep, have you considered seeing your family doctor?

  • Aztec

    Remember Robyn, one day at a time. Every day will get ever so slightly easier. You may not notice the slight improvement in your mood at first but it will slowly come. Get some rest!


  • heathen

    robdar -- You may consider some professional help . I keep hearing things like long term depression can be caused by a chemical imballance . I have pretty big emotional swings myself but for what ever reason i keep on going .Life is a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get . Tomorrow may bring sunshine or it may bring rain .When life hands you lemmons you have to make lemmonade .

  • Skeptic

    Robyn, hang in there.

    I IMed you about a different topic before reading this thread. IM me, maybe I can cheer you up, which will help make up for the times you cheered me up.

    I have edited this post to keep my enemies from having too much information.

    They are still at it, aren't they? Robyn, you and me are both very open people, and they make posting here for you and me and a few others a pain in the glass. God knows what they will use to insult you, or what post of mine they will twist out of context months later. I have healed to the point where they are insignificant gnats on a wart in my eyes. Hopefully, you will reach that point too. Still, there is no need to expose yourself needlessly to harm. I have been fortunate enough to turn the negative experiences they gave me into several positive ones.

    Robyn, you are a good person, and never forget that. I have an idea of what is causing how you feel, and it will pass. If you wish, talk to me.


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