The Feminization of it acceptable?

by Brummie 48 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • scotsman

    When will people realise that the accepted western identities that polarise male and female are constructs? Nail varnish and dollies do not make sensitive people.

  • Realist


    great post!

    i am sick and tired of the media BS spouted out for the last 20 - 30 years. man are primitive, their only motivation is sex. etc. while the females have supposedly noble reasons for their actions. BULL SHIT!

    the rediculous laws implemented in the last decades should be removed immediately. a company having to pay thousands of $ in reparation because a man touched the a** of a female coworker. man having to pay rediculous amount in reparation in case of a divorce etc.

    at the same time 5% - 10% of the children are not from the man who thinks he is the father!

    and it is time to stop that political correctness BS that largely stems from the feminazi camp. it has to be possible to state facts even if they are not in line with feminist believes.

    it is high time to put some things straight in the western world!

  • obiwan

    Blackout...Totally disagree with the nail painting,sex change,etc. These are taught to the child as are most things, but nail painting, who does he watch do that, dad? Sex changes, thats a society issue, be happy with what you got.We have to remember these are children, not adults so they need to be taught how to live within thier gender, let the child decide when he or she grows up what they want to do, that's where the control issue comes into play. Society does have perameters for he or she, if your son or daughter behaved different from thier established gender and were constantly ridiculed for it, is that healthy? A child does not have enough life experiences to make those kind of life altering decisions, and for the parent to let a child have that kind of free will could do more harm than good.

    I'm a momma's boy, so I can speak with some experience in this. There were some things I did have to change when I became an adult because of it. Do I hate my mother because of it, no. Did my mother let me paint my finger nails, hell no. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you teach a child too much then it is no longer natural development.

  • berylblue

    Thanks, Blackout.

  • berylblue
    i am sick and tired of the media BS spouted out for the last 20 - 30 years. man are primitive, their only motivation is sex. etc. while the females have supposedly noble reasons for their actions. BULL SHIT

    While I agree to this, my take is that this has transpired because women have been so trod upon for centuries. It an unfortunate result of having had little to no rights for most of the ages. Some cultures and time periods have been better than others, but if you think back just one hundred and twenty or so years, you will see that even in this "modern" time period, in countries including the US and Britain, women could not own property and could not vote. Please keep in mind that these countries were likely the "best case scenarios", although I do not know enough of that time period to be certain how women were treated in, say, Asia, (but I have my suspicions....)

    Hell, just look back at the WTS' views on women even 30 years minutes ago

    That stated, I must add that I absolutely do feel for men. They are not "the enemy". In my teens and early 20s, I was short sighted enough to think this was the case. Now I realize that women and men are both, first and foremost, humans trying to survive in a sometimes hostile world. Our perceived (and real) differences can sometimes be frustrating, (but as just as often refreshing and enjoyable) but neither sex is superior, and certainly no one sex can lay claim to being more moral, more noble, more enlightened.


  • blackout
    Blackout...Totally disagree with the nail painting,sex change,etc. These are taught to the child as are most things, but nail painting, who does he watch do that, dad?

    My point with the nail painting is that the boy likes a bit of colour in his life. That is not going to change his sexuality.

    Society does have perameters for he or she, if your son or daughter behaved different from thier established gender and were constantly ridiculed for it, is that healthy? A child does not have enough life experiences to make those kind of life altering decisions, and for the parent to let a child have that kind of free will could do more harm than good.

    He saw my daughter getting nail polish, he wanted some too, so I let him. He wore it to school. The other boys teased him, he told them it was boys nail polish because it was blue. They said OK. They previously teased him because he wore winni the poo sneakers. He loved those sneakers. They told him they were girls sneakers because another girl at school had them too. I explained to him that they were for both genders, exactly like the school Hats, shirts, jumpers and track pants that ALL the kids wear. He explained this to the other boys, they said oh yeah OK. So where did these boys get their attitude about "girls things" and "boys things"? From their parents thats where. My boy has now had two instances where he had the strength to stand up to peer pressure and come out on top, a leader, and he is only in kindergarten. How do you think he will handle the pressure to take drugs later? Im preparing him to stand up for what he believes in, to be a leader and not collapse to peer pressure. To have self esteem, which means holding him- self in high esteem, not collapsing to anothers view of who or what he should be.

    I didnt TEACH him to wear nail polish, he chose to, then his Dad saw his son do it and thought hey why not? So he had a go too. LOL

  • teenyuck


    the rediculous laws implemented in the last decades should be removed immediately. a company having to pay thousands of $ in reparation because a man touched the a** of a female coworker. man having to pay rediculous amount in reparation in case of a divorce etc.

    Obviously you have never had your ass touched by a female coworker. By your logic, since sex is not men's main agenda, you would not appreciate it.

    Since you would not appreciate the unasked for touching, you would expect your errant coworker to stop and if said cowowrker did not, you would ask the boss to intervene. If boss could not or would not stop errant coworker, you can and should sue their ass off.

    As for *reparation*s in a divorce, I take it you are speaking of alimony and child support. Get over it. When women make dollar for dollar what men do, for the same job, it is going to happen. And women, who make more money than the husband, pay alimony here in the US, so the scales are balanced.

    Tina (Feminazi application in the mail)

  • Realist

    hello rosemarie,

    very good post! i of course know how bad woman were treated over the centuries and sitll treated in half of the world! this is terrible and should be stopped immediately! same rights to everyone!

    the 2 sexes have different talents but have equal value of course!


    if a coworker is continually harassed than yes sueing is ok. but in the US this has gone way over board. not just i the buisness world but also in schools etc.

    females try to get the attention of males and males react accordingly. the oversensitivity of some females is inappropriate.

    as to the reparations....if the wife of a wealthy man (banker, sports star, actor etc.) gets millions of what he earned than thats NOT ok in my opinion. he earned the money with his talent and abilities to which she did not contribute anything. there are just too many female leeches out there trying to hook up with wealthy man so they can suck out the money of the bank account.

    i am absolutely pro equal rights but the pendulum has swung too far already.

  • teenyuck

    as to the reparations....if the wife of a wealthy man (banker, sports star, actor etc.) gets millions of what he earned than thats NOT ok in my opinion. he earned the money with his talent and abilities to which she did not contribute anything. there are just too many female leeches out there trying to hook up with wealthy man so they can suck out the money of the bank account.

    You get what you pay for.

    When high paid men, (bankers, sports stars, actors, etc.) stop needing a trophy wife on their arm who handles all the domestic duties while looking like a Barbie doll reincarnated, they will stop paying huge sums.

    When a wife has been with a husband for years, without outside work, he owes her. Plain and simple. It does not matter how he earned it. She gets some. For whatever reason, she gave up the opportunity to work and have a career. These women usually are involved with charities and social events (which their husbands sanction because it helps them keep contacts in the upper levels through gossip) and are contributing to the marriage.

    The current laws allow for the wife (our husband; ask any rich woman with a trophy husband) to continue to live in the *style she/he has become accostomed." This means alimony from the partner who has the money.

  • SheilaM

    I recommend the book Gendered LIves. Which is about gender not sexuality. Two different tamales.

    Anthony had a Mario and Koozy a cabbage patch doll and a cabbage patch cat. He never was told that was 'wrong". Making a child be something they aren't is cruel. My son is hetrosexual but a gentle soul. Thunder was told he had to 'suck it up" all of his life until I allowed him to be gentle he was a very unhappy man.

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