The Feminization of it acceptable?

by Brummie 48 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Introspection

    I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred

    I’m too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
    Love’s going to leave me

    I’m too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
    So sexy it hurts
    And I’m too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan
    New York and Japan
    And I’m too sexy for your party
    Too sexy for your party
    No way I’m disco dancing

    I’m a model you know what I mean
    And I do my little turn on the catwalk
    Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
    I do my little turn on the catwalk

    I’m too sexy for my car too sexy for my car
    Too sexy by far
    And I’m too sexy for my hat
    Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that

    I’m a model you know what I mean
    And I do my little turn on the catwalk
    Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
    I shake my little touche on the catwalk

    I’m too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my

    ‘Cos I’m a model you know what I mean
    And I do my little turn on the catwalk
    Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
    I shake my little touche on the catwalk

    I’m too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat
    Poor pussy poor pussy cat
    I’m too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
    Love’s going to leave me

    And I’m too sexy for this song

  • Swan

    Obiwan wrote:

    Sex changes, thats a society issue, be happy with what you got.

    No, it is a medical issue. You can look it up in any doctor's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) under gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder. They just had a show on Discovery Health channel on this subject last week.


  • Mecurious?

    Obviously you have never had your ass touched by a female coworker

    I had my ass and genitals touched one time by a pretty female coworker! When I asked her to stop she simply ignored me. Then a day or two later she did it again. Well, I decided what's good for the goose is good for the gander, I returned the favor and for some reason that did the trick and she never touched me again!

    females try to get the attention of males and males react accordingly. the oversensitivity of some females is inappropriate.

    True. But, they don't want the attention of all men, Just a select few.

    As to the reparations....if the wife of a wealthy man (banker, sports star, actor etc.) gets millions of what he earned than thats NOT ok in my opinion. he earned the money with his talent and abilities to which she did not contribute anything. there are just too many female leeches out there trying to hook up with wealthy man so they can suck out the money of the bank account.

    Ever heard of prenuptial agreement?


  • pettygrudger

    I in no way meant that all men are pussies (and Carrie - you are one to which I was referring!). Sadly, in many other cases, I have seen boys that are made to be devoid of some of the more "masculine" things that make them men. To say that men & women are no different is absurd. The more research done on the subject - the more different they find we really are.

    Its just that I believe that our society tends to believe that human "socialization", not natural inheritance is the prime motive of the human animal. In doing so, our society has tried to change boys - nurturing out of them the "demeaning masculine culture & elevating female culture. What has that gotten us? From some of the studies I've read - more randomly aggressive men & antisocially dangerous men. 91% of all crimes of aggression are committed to this day by men. Certain things are "hard wired" into boys, and I don't think we can just negate that fact. Aggression, physical risk taking, competition, quick problem sovling - all these things are to some extent hard-wired into a boy. Its culture that teaches the boy violence.

    Dr. Michael Gudiron (PHD & Author) stated it better than I ever could (paraphrasing an excellent book called The Wonder of Boys)

    "Feminism is not by definition misadrist, or an enemy of male culture. Boys can be boys & feminists too, if the feminism is not anti-male and can accept the boys are who they are, and chooses to love them rather than change their "hard wiring".

    I think our society has alot to learn about human development - male culture has to learn how to deal with changing the parts of the male culture that are out of balance to the extreme in the areas of competition, nonempathy, sexual harassment & emotional isolation. Femine culture has to learn to change the parts of their culture that are out of balance toward extremes of victim based thinking, villainization of males, political myopia and emotional tyranny." End paraphrasing.

    Of course these comments are "generalizations" - not everyone is wired the same way. Nor do I think men that are "sensitive" are "pussies" - the above states it better than I ever could. I apologize if anyone thought I was calling them a pussy. My husband is the most "manly man" I've ever known - and yet he is also the most sensitive. I think we as a society need to really understand the biological make-up of our children, and learn to channel those inheirant differences appropriately.

  • Brummie
    Its just that I believe that our society tends to believe that human "socialization", not natural inheritance is the prime motive of the human animal..... I think we as a society need to really understand the biological make-up of our children, and learn to channel those inheirant differences appropriately.

    I rest my case on that statement Petty! Great post.

    I'd like to comment on a few other comments here but I am having to be breif because I am at work. I'll get back t'ya.


  • happyout

    The issue is not what kids prefer, but how adults view it. Everything a child does is about gaining acceptance from their parents. One of the boys in my son's daycare paints his toenails, and the other kids never remarked on it (for two weeks that I noticed) until one day one of the fathers came in and said "only GIRLS" polish their nails. Suddenly this kid was made fun of, and put down. That's just wrong. Lots of kids like to expirement with non dangerous things that they see their parents do, and frequently naturally grow out of it. I realize that some parents go overboard, but that's both ways. I have been told by a couple of European friends of mine that American men are "too rough", so feminization can also be a geographic judgement. I used to think my friends from Europe were gay, because to me they were "soft" until I realized that's just how men are where they come from.

    The rambling point I am attempting to make is we should allow our children freedom to explore different roles (as long as they aren't dangerous or illegal like that out of place beer analogy) without showing disapproval and judgement.

    The other issues that have been raised are interesting, but a bit off topic. Maybe someone should start a new thread on one of them.

    Happyout ( a woman who hates to shop married to a man who loves to)

  • Brummie
    The issue is not what kids prefer, but how adults view it.

    Naturally this is true, adults are the role model for their kids. Therefore should a father be able to influence a male child in the way he instinctively considers the "male role" to be? Is it ok for a father to tell a male child that "girly" things are for girls? Or is the father totally wrong for sharing his veiw of what it is to be a male? Consequently is it the Mother who should decide that the male child should be influenced in a girly way in order for him to appreciate feminism?

    Are the majority of male children correct for standing up for the male role as percieved by most males? Should the majority be viewed as "bigots" because they inherit a male perspective? Or should the females decide what a "male" role entails?

    If its all in the hands of the female, do families need fathers?

    Brummie (debils adbocat class)

  • happyout

    My point was that BOTH parents should allow their children to explore what interests them without labeling it. Likely a little boy will imitate his dad more than his mom, but what about the times he does imitate his mom? Should he be discouraged from doing so? It's all about being open, and allowing the child to feel secure in whatever they try. My son, who is 2 1/2, likes to read like his mommy, and sometimes puts on his mommy's shoes. He also likes to wrestle with daddy (Mommy won't wrestle), and watch sports with daddy. ALL of these activities are accepted with love and support, and that's what parents should do a lot more of.

    Happyout (thinking Brummie and I are probably on the same page with this)

  • Xena

    I think as long as there is balance testing the water on either side shouldn't be an issue.....I have no problem with my daughter showing some intersting in what might be considered masculine persuits, but I also allow equal or more time for the feminine...I would imagine the same would hold true with boys...if they want to try mom's let them try it..but also show them the cool things dad does and encourage him to try them too...

    now moving off subject to realists comments

    the rediculous laws implemented in the last decades should be removed immediately. a company having to pay thousands of $ in reparation because a man touched the a** of a female coworker. man having to pay rediculous amount in reparation in case of a divorce etc.

    I'm curious has your boss ever asked you to bend over his desk so he can look down your shirt? Mine has... Does your boss come up behind you and rub your shoulders unasked and tell you about how little sex he gets at home? Mine has.... Have you ever felt your job, the job that supports yourself and your child, was threatened if you didn't allow this type of behavior? I have...

    Have you ever spent 18 years of your life supporting a man...taking care of him and your children..while he advanced his career only to have him dump you for a younger model? lol well I haven't either, but plenty of women have...

    When you can answer yes to those questions then you will have a leg to stand on in your arguement.

    Xena, I am WOMAN hear me ROAR Class

  • Brummie
    Xena, I am WOMAN hear me ROAR Class

    Gives me goosebumps ...LOL

    Happyout (thinking Brummie and I are probably on the same page with this)

    I think we are too, I have 2 boys age 6&7 so this is an important and interesting topic for me. I am enjoying everybodies comments. I have to admit that I would feel uncomfortable if I saw my little guys being really girlie but I would allow it to a degree. Still, I disagree with the notion that our habits and expectations are a "social thing" as portrayed by the femanist society rather than a natural inheritance. Pettys post was bang on in how I see things.

    Thanks for your input


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