I in no way meant that all men are pussies (and Carrie - you are one to which I was referring!). Sadly, in many other cases, I have seen boys that are made to be devoid of some of the more "masculine" things that make them men. To say that men & women are no different is absurd. The more research done on the subject - the more different they find we really are.
Its just that I believe that our society tends to believe that human "socialization", not natural inheritance is the prime motive of the human animal. In doing so, our society has tried to change boys - nurturing out of them the "demeaning masculine culture & elevating female culture. What has that gotten us? From some of the studies I've read - more randomly aggressive men & antisocially dangerous men. 91% of all crimes of aggression are committed to this day by men. Certain things are "hard wired" into boys, and I don't think we can just negate that fact. Aggression, physical risk taking, competition, quick problem sovling - all these things are to some extent hard-wired into a boy. Its culture that teaches the boy violence.
Dr. Michael Gudiron (PHD & Author) stated it better than I ever could (paraphrasing an excellent book called The Wonder of Boys)
"Feminism is not by definition misadrist, or an enemy of male culture. Boys can be boys & feminists too, if the feminism is not anti-male and can accept the boys are who they are, and chooses to love them rather than change their "hard wiring".
I think our society has alot to learn about human development - male culture has to learn how to deal with changing the parts of the male culture that are out of balance to the extreme in the areas of competition, nonempathy, sexual harassment & emotional isolation. Femine culture has to learn to change the parts of their culture that are out of balance toward extremes of victim based thinking, villainization of males, political myopia and emotional tyranny." End paraphrasing.
Of course these comments are "generalizations" - not everyone is wired the same way. Nor do I think men that are "sensitive" are "pussies" - the above states it better than I ever could. I apologize if anyone thought I was calling them a pussy. My husband is the most "manly man" I've ever known - and yet he is also the most sensitive. I think we as a society need to really understand the biological make-up of our children, and learn to channel those inheirant differences appropriately.