The U.S. in general is a violent place to live.
My advice to my daughters:
Lock you car doors, ALWAYS!
If someone jumps in your car (it happens where we live) make sure your seat belt is on and crash the car where people will see you. NEVER go where the intruder tells you to go!
An adult in the backyard at night? Let the dogs take care of them while you call the police.
Do not open the front door without knowing who is on the other side.
Group of guys jump in front of your car? Run them over.
At night walk with a manner that gives the signal, "bother me and I'll kick your balls off".
My daughters have learned to kick high with the heel of their boots (usually what they wear) and to drive the heel of their hand into another person's face in self-defense.
There is no place for gentle and vulnerable young women in the U.S. of A. anymore.