You seem to be very well informed about countries other than the US. Tell us about the one's that you've visited, I would really like to hear about your experiences.
by StinkyPantz 117 Replies latest social current
You seem to be very well informed about countries other than the US. Tell us about the one's that you've visited, I would really like to hear about your experiences.
It's pretty simple y'all. Who benefits the most from gun-control? Who follows gun-control laws, the law-abiding citizens or the criminals who seek to prey upon them?
If someone breaks into your home or attempts to rob you on the street, where is the garantee that if you give them what you want they will leave you unharmed?
If you or a member of your family are being robbed or someone is trying to rape you/one of them and a private citizen with a gun comes to the rescue, how would you feel about gun control then?
Sorry, I'm just not buying into the "give up your guns and let the state protect you" bullsh*t. I've carried concealed for 10 years now and I've drawn my gun 3 times. All 3 times I prevented myself from being robbed and possibly injured or killed. I'm not giving up that protection.
So did those 3 times go down as crime statistics? Apparently, I live in a country with a 6 times higher crime rate (unbelieveably) but I have never even seen a real gun, not seen such a crime, a killing or a dead body.
Personally, I'd rather live in the country where you didn't even get the gun pulled on you or the attempted mugging not even go through your mind.
Maybe it does work over there. I have owned shotguns in the past, but now even that is almost impossible in the UK.
Yeah the sports side is a shame Mike. Something else in England, it's more common than you would guess for people with replicas to get shot down by police, there was another one the other day.
Englishman is that all you have to debate with? Attacking me and avoiding the thread when you can't slam the US? Sheeshyou're a dork.
1689 English Bill of rights; Foundation for the 2nd amendment of the USA. "Two trees of the same roots taking different paths," as to the rights of self defense, related to crime in the two countries. You spout off about how the USA is a bunch of gun tooting crazies, "a wild bunch." That's not true there are strict guidlines to lawful possession and use of guns and self defense in America. I say that English laws are to favorable to criminals and penalize the victim for not staying a victim. If you are not going to debate that and instead try to slam me then piss off. My not having traveled the world is not the issue.
Englishman is that all you have to debate with? Attacking me and avoiding the thread when you can't slam the US? Sheeshyou're a dork.
I have no wish to slam the US. I have made it perfectly plain in the past that I have supported the US in many of it's actions, including the invasion of Iraq. My own nephew is there right now as a soldier in Basra. My eldest son has just left the Royal tank regiment. My father flew over Germany 43 times on bombing missions. My grandfather fought at the Somme.
If you look through some of my earlier posts, you will see that I am not an America basher, just someone who gives credit where credit is due.
Jayson,You seem to be very well informed about countries other than the US. Tell us about the one's that you've visited, I would really like to hear about your experiences.
Eman, even if someone visits another country, that does not mean they will be an expert about it. Reading/watching news stories about a country, does not an expert make either. You know, all these post about the US in the past few weeks have really made me sad. Seldom does something written here, make me think about it all day. Today though, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Hell, I even took my own poll today. I started with the woman who works for me. She is a Mexican woman, who speaks very limited English. I have to speak Spanish to her or she doesn't know what I am saying. I asked her this...I said, Maggie, knowing both the good and "bad" about your country. Does it bother you when people who do not live in Mexico complain about it? Her answer...........Yes. Well, I didn't stop there. I asked 9 others the same question. The rest of which are American. One was a police officer. Out of those 9, only one said no. He said. I don't worry about what others who do not live here think. I don't care either way. So you see, it does bother us. And you can't say it doesn't bother you guys when people say bad things about the UK. You love your country just as much as we love ours. Why shouldn't we all love our country, it's where we live. Our loved ones live here. Not one country is perfect, but when a person from another country continues to post about the bad in another country and never once does he start a post about the bad of his own. It really makes me wonder if it is only the country they hate or the people in it also. Eman, I love and respect you so don't take this example personal but notice to that you put your defenses up also with the post of yours that I quoted above when you said
You seem to be very well informed about countries other than the US. Tell us about the one's that you've visited, I would really like to hear about your experiences.
I went back and read Jaysons post, and the only country he names is the UK. Be honest. It bothered you when spoke bad about the country you love and reside in, didn't it? I think it did, or you wouldn't have made that comment. It just like with our children. They may be little hellions, but I love them and do not want anyone else to say anything bad about them and will speak say so if anyone does. All I am saying is this. So what if we dislike another country but can't we R-E-S-P-E-C-T the feelings of others and keep those feelings to ourself, here on the forum? Is your hate for others countries greater than the love of human feelings?
but I have never even seen a real gun, not seen such a crime, a killing or a dead body.
For all the pistle packing mamas and papas here in the US. I've never seen that either. Go figure.
Wild Horses, while agreeing with most of what you say, from my perspective you have taken this up in the wrong thread. If I had to say who this thread was slating, it would have to be the UK. Try and see the thread again in a different light.
The initial and subsequent posts are suggesting the UK has a higher crime rate due to the fact it has gun controls.