What do mean know for sure? Do you mean with our eyes or the eyes of our hearts. Faith is not seen with our eyeballs...yet, anyway....
For me, the answer to what is truth is Jesus. He is the TRUTH. He died to set us free and give us eternal life. That is freedom....free from fear or man's rules or any other burden but just free to love. So may religions point to themselves as truth but for a Christian there is only one truth. Which is, the Christ. You know all of this and reject anyway..why? love, dj
The reason I reject this is as I have mentioned ; I asked Jesus to come into my life, and my life went downhill and only started to recover when I lost faith in the whole born again scene.
To me, Jesus cannot be God in Flesh, as he never helped me. I think the only person that can help me is God, by means of the help he gives to us; words of his prophets.
The fallacy of Jesus being part of a trinity defiles belief.
I asked Jesus to come into my life, and my life went downhill.....
Mine did too!! I mentioned to you before that it gets better and we are strengthened in due time. Peter addresses this. I did expect only wonderful things in my life when I first became a Christian but quite the contrary!! Then I realized that Jesus never in any way taught us that we would lie in a bed or roses in fact, He taught the opposite. There is persecution, not only from people but from within when we battle the internal struggle of a believer. It is not an easy road and not for the coward. We are being taught to lean on Him and not ourselves for His strength. It is a chastisement in a way because all those He loves He chastises. It can be likened to living in a crucibal. I've found that in my deepest despairs and fears and trials and whatever else if I lean on Him and wait with patience for His help, it always comes. I admit most of the time it is not the timing that I want but in His time and from that waiting period..I learn patience and endurance in all of my struggles. In the end, it seems to be valuable in teaching me to rely on Him more because I have a tendency to want ot fix things and NOW....so I lack patience and humility and He is teaching me like a babe and YES...sometimes it hurts! Have you been able to ever look back at a sad/hard situation in your life and see what you were being taught? It isn't fun but I would not want to be without His hand. love, dj