Prediction: no more changes for a long while

by slimboyfat 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • no-zombie


    I was meaning ...

    If there is a 'plan' to just reform the Church enough evade some government legislation, ultimately the Faith will still collapse because as we know, more people are leaving (from one way or another) than coming in. However if the 'plan' is more than wallpaper and actually tries to address some of its serious weakness (of which there are many) then there is some hope that the religion might continue. Unfortunately, the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, as even now, most believers are already acting as PIMOs ... which I find rather funny.

  • Vidiot
    no-zombie - “…even now, most believers are already acting as PIMOs…”

    Or maybe they simply are PIMOs.

    Covid and Zoom suggested that there are a lot more than we or the WT leadership ever suspected.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What no-zombie said:

    Unfortunately, the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, as even now, most believers are already acting as PIMOs ... which I find rather funny.

    In my neck of the woods I also see a trend of many JW believers acting like PIMOs. I was at a couple of JW gatherings recently where the topic came up of all the recent changes. I was surprised at how freely & openly without reservations everyone was contributing to the discussion. Most were poking fun at all the GB changes as though they were silly.

  • Vidiot

    Sooner or later, people get tired of living in fear…

    …even when they weren’t originally aware that they were living in fear.

    And you know you’ve crossed a threshold when you no longer fear your leadership.

  • slimboyfat

    If what you fear most is a world full of uncertainty without definitive answers to questions around what you should believe and what you should do, then the JW religion offers the solution by providing clear answers and clear instructions. If what you value most is the freedom from fear about uncertainty, then it’s a small price to pay to hand over to the people providing the answers say over dress and grooming. Handing over power to dictate who you can socialise with, including family members, is a much higher price to pay for the same benefit, yet it’s also a price many JWs are willing to pay.

    This idea that JW religion provides freedom from fear in the modern world full of uncertainty was argued by anthropologist Andrew Holden in his book Jehovah’s Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement (Routledge: 2002) based on the work of psychologist Erich Fromm, in particlar his book The Fear of Freedom (Routlegde & Keagan Paul: 1942).

  • WokenfromJWcult

    The latest rumor going around is they relaxed the dress code and shaving mentality, so they will not stand out among the worldly people during the GT.

  • Vidiot


    Swapping out “living in fear of a modern world full of uncertainty” for “living in fear of breaking the rules and being cast out into a modern world full of uncertainty”…

    …some trade-off. 🤨

  • Vidiot

    It would go a long way towards explaining why so many young people leave, though…

    …more recent generations (actual ones, not overlapping ones) grew up in the modern world.

    They’re not scared of it.

  • ThomasMore

    Vidiot - that list is carefully guarded🤵‍♂️

  • Vidiot

    That just makes me more curious what’s on it. 😏

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