Prediction: no more changes for a long while

by slimboyfat 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    " If they were in serious trouble...... " I agree LV101, but we have been told, perhaps not based on actual facts, that they have a Ten Year Plan.

    So, being aware of the demographics of their adherents, they know that a Cash Flow problem, though not critical for a number of years probably, is a fact, and can only get worse if they don't retain the younger ones. Hence "baby steps" makes sense in introducing the changes, appease the young first with the minor stuff, allow some "fun" back in to the Org. and strengthen its function as a Social Club.

    The more delicate matters of major changes both in Doctrine and Practice can be fed in slowly over a number of years, but they will do this over the next 7 or 8 years maybe, and then assess the success of the Ten Year Plan at the end. Success being enough $$$ flowing in again.

  • Ron.W.

    Thank you Phizzy.

    The finances and contributions interest me.

    Do young ones today contribute much as a group to the watchtower?

    When I was a young regular pioneer in the 1980's I donated nothing.

    I figured that I was already giving them 90 hrs plus month free labour as a pioneer, working on numerous quick builds for free and working on my own kingdom hall's maintenance for nothing.

    All this while holding down a low paid part time job while many of my friends worked full time and had lots more money for cars, clothes, holidays, meals etc..

    So I would be interested today to know how much young ones give to the borg?

  • Phizzy

    I have been out for so long that I don't know such details as contribution levels, but I would guess the young don't contribute that much as a group. But they are thought of by the org. as the future contributors, as the old ones die off, and no doubt the org. will be guilting the young earners to contribute more.

    When I was young, and also a Reg. Pio. for a while, my thinking was the same as yours, plus I only had enough to live off by Part Time working, to run a car, run a girlfriend, she was always skint, and to have a bit of Beer Money.

    I shall be fascinated to see how all of this goes for the Org. To a degree they are being unusually reactive, looking to the near future at least, but I wonder if any of the measures they take will stem the loss of members due to the less obvious stuff, like the spreading availability of easy Internet access around the world, improved Education, and how Society in many Nations is increasingly seeing no need for organised religion in their lives, also the relaxing of things so much will make it much easier to "fade", either deliberately or unconsciously.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The Borg is putting greater emphasis on young persons. Young guys are being appointed as MS earlier. Now that there is no 10 hour minimum in FS being tracked by FS reports, it will be even easier to promote less zealous young guys. At MS/Elder meetings when the CO comes through, contributing is a focus. I recall it being said that this group alone (MS/Elders) should be contributing enough to carry the expenses and any thing from others was "gravy".

    That really makes an impression on young MS who is striving to be promoted to Elder.

    I am not sure, but I suspect that with the new online donation arrangement, they know how much you are giving. I know for a fact that they know if you cancel your monthly tithe and will call to check on your "spirituality".

  • Phizzy

    " will call to check on your "spirituality".

    When I was just beginning to wake up, I cancelled our Direct Debit, I didn't hear a word from the Elders or anyone else.

    That was circa 2006, I had been donating £40.00 a Month at the time.

    I guess it is very different now !

  • DesirousOfChange
    When I was just beginning to wake up, I cancelled our Direct Debit, I didn't hear a word from the Elders or anyone else. -- Phizzy

    I'm basing my statement on a younger couple who are friends of our (adult) children who told us that when they ceased FS there was no call from the elders. And, when they ceased attending meetings there was no contact from the elders. But, when they canceled their monthly donation, the elders were there in a New York second to check on them. Coincidence? Not likely.

  • Balaamsass2

    lol DOC! "But, when they canceled their monthly donation, the elders were there in a New York second to check on them. Coincidence? Not likely."

    "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." :)


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Finance is a topic that interests alot people. Whether you're a 5 year old JW selling Kool-aid, a JW teenager flipping burgers, a JW parent managing a young family, a JW small business owner or like WTBTS, a sizable much money your left with (profit) after expenses is your main concern in order to support yourself.

    WTBTS boasts some 8.5 million (give or take) membership globally. It begs the question: How many of these 8.5 million are in a position & can be trusted to actually make regular, meaningful dollar donations to this corporation?

    Let's break it down:

    How many of JW membership are of the ages, say between 9 to 18 years old...not yet adults? Let's say roughly 25% or 2.1 million fall under this category. How many of JW membership live in poor and/or in 3rd world countries? It has to be a large number...say 40% or 3.4 million. So already in just these two segments of WT membership there are 5.5 million active JWs contributing next to nothing to keep this organization afloat.

    How many of the WT membership fall into the category of being inactive or PIMO & donate zero...zilch? How many active and exemplary JWs in affluent countries are there who wish they could donate more but just can't because they're financially strapped due to modern day high cost of living? These make up 12% or less than 1 million of JWs.

    In summary: My quess is of the 8.5 million JWs worldwide, roughly 25% or 2.1 JWs are actually making meaningful donations. Hardly a number to boast about & certainly not a number to sustain this organization given the high cost of operating expenses & excessive legal fees it's dealing with!

  • LV101

    Phizzy - baby steps, indeed.

    JW Gone - What happened to the monthly contribution from all - how do the PIMOs dodge it. Seems they'd feel bit pressured to pony up since they stay involved (talk about keeping your eye on the cheese (family/social/inheritances) or is WT reluctant to beg for it w/dwindling attendance and members bailing. Sounds like a big expense for elders/MS (clergy class but not really CC). I recall reading blurb about CC being the main contributors (or carrying the load) few yrs. ago -- oh my! Quite an expense from the 'we don't know' god's-mouthpiece class. They'd all have much better odds rolling the dice on the gaming tables.

    It's certainly interesting these days.

  • nowwhat?

    That's exactly why they instituted the congregation monthly donation program instead of relying on individual contributions!

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