Prediction: no more changes for a long while

by slimboyfat 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasMore

    During my time at the Bible House, WTC occasionally revisited the 5 year plan but I never heard any mention of a 10 year plan. If it existed, it was vague and lacked specifics. Most Fortune 50’s have 5 year plans but they tweak them constantly since business landscapes change rapidly.

    I don’t actually believe WTC has a 10 year plan. Most of the decision makers don’t have a 10 day plan.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I don’t actually believe WTC has a 10 year plan. Most of the decision makers don’t have a 10 day plan.

    Yeah, I do believe they had a "TEN" year plan at first. But Norway and France and maybe other countries going to shut down Watchtower in their country has changed that plan and made it rather urgent. It could be a 2 year plan now.

    But you are probably right that it never really was such a long-term changes plan.
  • NotFormer

    ThomasMore: "I don’t actually believe WTC has a 10 year plan. Most of the decision makers don’t have a 10 day plan."

    The only long-term plan the GB has is to stay in power. The same as any head of state or government. You're right that the decision making is day to day. They are only driven to change by changes in external factors. Vidiot often makes the point that none of the changes are ever dynamic (that would allow for the concept of a plan) but that they are always reactive. They only change when survival is at stake.

  • Balaamsass2

    If it was up to them, they would implement no new changes for a while...but it is not up to them. Japan, the UK Commonwealth, France, Norway, Czechoslovakia, USA Civil lawsuits, et al will be cramming changes down Watchtower's throat. I believe they will need to amend their child baptism stance, and allow people to quit/leave without repercussions. Minors (under 18) can not enter into a contract in any developed country in the 21st century. Jesus himself was not baptized as a child.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, it’s true that many Witnesses wake-up because of changes - but not all will leave. And, It is as you said that they are old and set in their ways and they don’t want to lose family and friends.. It makes you wonder just how many are held ‘captive’ because of this.

    Strangely, I didn’t leave because of ‘counting time’. It was the 1995 Generation teaching that did it!

    I was a low-hour publisher because I worked and I accepted that this was how it had to be for me and I didn’t much care what others thought since they weren’t supporting me.. I ignored the criticism.. I’m Glad the 1995 thing wisely caused you to do something about your work situation.. How many other JWs were in sleep mode and just did nothing???

    That was practically thirty years ago and certainly would have been enough time for a determined individual to do something at least!

  • Halcon

    I attended the meeting this past weekend. I would say the KH was about 2/5th full. People still commenting via zoom. The whole no suits and beards thing incidentally made for a much less formal experience. Many scraggly looking guys : )

    There seems to be a rather clear distinction in the energy between the older folks and the more nonchalant younger ones. But everyone had this peculiar look on their face of mild uncertainty.

    It certainly feels very, very far removed from the old days (meaning the 90s for me). JW is definitely going through a great period of transition right now.

  • Dagney

    Of course they have a plan. Every business does if they want to remain in business, which includes adapting to changes that support the longevity of the corporation.

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