Anyone know where he's gone ?
Dansk, where art thou ?
by Hamas 54 Replies latest jw friends
ive wondered myself...
He's a good guy.
Hamas....CJ and I were discussing that this past weekend. I see by the pictures Spice posted, that Dansk, promptly grew himself a beard........that rebel !
Maybe he's come to Canada, looking for OUTLAW !
Maybe he's gone to Real Madrid with David Beckham
I also wanted to know what became of the campaigns etc that were developing.
Dansk - your energy and ideas are sorely missed. I need to know what to do at the moment. I am about to take my local congregation to court because they are going to make an announcement about me. There is no way on this earth, while I still have life in me, that they are going to make an announcement to 100+ people, that I have done sommething bad and they need to avoid me. Think about it. It is so clever. They get you kicked out, but nobody can ask you about it cos they can't talk to you!
Well, I am not going to take it lying down and I am definitely going to look into all the legal aspects, including the Human Rights issue. It is a breach of Human Rights to force people to shun another person, making his/her life intolerable. I aim to go to town on this issue. I have a solicitor who is willing to act for me without chrage - what do I have to lose?
Anyone wants to join in - let me know.
Yeah...where the hell are ya Dansk??
I met him and his lovely lady a few weeks ago in Manchester, but since then, a great big zero.
I hope all is as well as it can be.
Englishman, a bit worried.
Yes, I was going to post the same question.
Great guy. Miss him.
We saw them both the weekend before last and they were ok.
They are both still in shock from seeing ISP in a pair of shorts and are receiving counseling.