Dansk, I think the point many of us are trying to make here is that many of the things you want to do, have already been done, or tried, and failed. Or had very minimal success.
We have to face the facts, that most people in our worlds, either haven't heard of the witnesses or just don't care. The witnesses who are unhappy eventually find us, because they know who we are, either in our own communities or they find this board. Here, they can talk anonymously and air their concerns and hopefully get some answers.
The pedophile issue got some publicity, and it was good, but it has kind of faded out now.
Most of us who have been out for a number of years, have realized that the best thing we can do is move on with our lives and find happiness. If we need a cause to work on, we find one that has some chance of success.
As an example, my brother has been working for about 15 years on an environmental project, to save the rainforests, protect the environment all over the world, and to grow medicinal plants in India, to market, provide jobs for farmers, use the land that is not being farmed, and that will also help to heal the physical ills of society all over the world too. He has had limited success because he has spent all of his money, and he had a small fortune in the beginning. He is always meeting with possible investors and has had a little success in getting meetings with some very influential people and corporations, but his work is very discouraging. His cause is a good one, and he refuses to quit. But at age 63, he is broke and is realizing that no matter how much he cares about people and the planet, most of the contacts he talks to want profits now, and don't see the bigger picture of the future of the planet for future generations. Many of his ideas have been stolen and I believe he is being exploited for the most part. If I were him, I would have quit long ago, but he keeps on, very discouraged all the time. Right now he is in the Netherlands pursuing another lead, and will go to Afghanistan in July to see about another partnership there. (he has a close friend who owns a travel agency and is paying for his airfares..........he has to borrow his lodging and eating money though)
My point is.............choose your battles and find out what has already been done and what your chances of success are. Draw up a business plan as if you are starting a new business, if you have some good ideas that haven't already been done.
The laws are pretty much against succeeding in suits against religions. Sad, but it's a fact, especially in our country.