The expression herding cats comes to mind. You are new to the XJW life and especially the XJW forums and are learning a hard lesson as to how difficult it is to mount and maintain any sensible campaign against the WTS. The time and effort expended are not worth the results.
I have dealt with this issue with you on another occasion and have already mentioned in great detail that most of the changes wrought on the WTS have been through individuals with the needed contacts and not groups of people covering old ground. People like Raymond Franz, Jim Penton, AlanF, JanH, Norm, Kent, etc. etc. have expended thousands of hours, and thousands of pounds planting charges in the cracked foundations of the WTS. Please do not feel that because you do not see placards everywhere that much work is not being done in the background. We have a poster to this Board named Hawkaw for example who is doing a tremendous amount of legal work for the XJW's and using his contacts in ways that few are aware of.
What many of us have learned is that the full frontal, in your face approach to challenging the WTS will not work because basically the rest of the world has far more important priorities than a small group of crackpot semi-fundamentalists like the WTS to deal with, and so they should. You must also realize that the best way of freeing the JW’s from the WTS hold on their lives is not by necessarily by public campaigns, but by helping individuals, patiently and over time to see what has happened to them. Most JW's feed their faith on bad publicity and XJW campaigns. The WTS has already manipulated their thinking about their 'enemies' in this regard, and their natural reaction is to close ranks, not scatter.
As for reviewing the NWT, well it has been reviewed many times over the years and discussed ad-nasuem, both by scholars and by non-scholars. Furuli has written a book in its defense, which was reviewed also. The consensus of opinion among the reviewers is that it is a serviceable Bible, good in places and erratic in others when a bias is shown toward JW doctrine. Evangelists eat it for breakfast because of its anti-Trinitarian stance, but their views are not necessarily scholarly or any more correct than the WTS.
Others Dansk, chose on an individual basis not to allow the WTS to steal any more of their lives from them than they have already lost, and do the very healthy thing of moving on with their lives. It would be churlish to suggest that by doing so they did not care about the ‘poor souls’ within the WTS, what they have realized is that the greatest challenge they can present to the WTS is how they live their lives.
I understand your frustrations, but I soundly echo Englishman’s post. Those that shout into the wind may feel that they are accomplishing something, whereas if they looked at their feet they would see where the real work is taking place.
Best regards - HS
PS - I do agree that the Board has lost much of its zeal for the Truth....lol Where the dismantling of doctrine is concerned, this has already been done again and again and again. All that is left is pizza topping and apostatfests! I personally do not enjoy the 'chat show' nature of the Board as much as the more intense debates that we used to have, mainly because the standard of JW apologist is not what it used to be since 'You Know's' demise as a poster, but that seems to be the beasts nature these days. Perhaps I ought to mount a campiagn....