I bet he is coming to USA for the Convention Right Dansk!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!
Dansk, where art thou ?
by Hamas 54 Replies latest jw friends
I asked this about three weeks ago, and still haven't seen him! At least he's okay. Sometimes, people just get tired of posting all the time.....
Hope that you're still ok, Dansk, and not in shock about the shorts issue!
I've missed him too................more recent news anyone?
i was wondering too....
Dear All,
I’m deeply touched by your concern. Your messages mean so much to me, especially considering I have met only two of you on this thread personally.
In a nutshell, I have been sorely disappointed that no serious campaign has been started to severely dent Watchtower. Some may say this isn’t possible – I strongly disagree! It appears most people on this forum are prepared to just accept the status quo, to go about their lives as though nothing can be done. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
As part of an off-list campaign, some time back I asked for people do donate Greek Interlinear Bibles to an address in Cambridge, where scholars were waiting to undertake a new appraisal of the New World Translation. When I had received promises of six of these Bibles I posted that we now had enough. To date only two such Bibles have been received. What happened to the other four?
I personally sent the large reference Bible to the Cambridge group (which is proceeding with its research) and was befriended by a "militant" ex-JW who doesn’t post on the forum. In the meantime I wrote to the British Charity Commission – twice! I also wrote to Stephen Bates of the Guardian newspaper highlighting my family’s plight, outlining what the Watchtower had done to us (in the misguided hope it might help others, also). I never even received an acknowledgement from the paper.
In the meantime my "militant" friend and I, along with other members of an off-list group, worked away on a planned brochure exposing the Watchtower organisation. Of the entire group, he and I seem to be the only ones left and at one time the brochure seemed unlikely to see the light of day. Now it is back on track.
Simon is now probably Britain’s ‘public enemy number one’ in Watchtower eyes. His forum has helped so many escape from the organisation - my wife, two boys and I included. For this and the friendships I have made I am eternally grateful – but it isn’t enough!
I respect – SINCERELY RESPECT – everyone’s views here. Many, myself included, have family still in the organisation and not a few are afraid of jeopardising any chance of getting them out. I fully understand this (remember, my two daughters are still in and still shunning my wife, two sons and I). But this isn’t just about me or you! It’s about thousands of families who are constantly suffering through Watchtower policy – and potentially thousands more, including the next generation, if WE do not do something soon (‘soon’, where’ve I heard that before!).
This forum is visited by thousands of us daily. Unfortunately, it is all too evident that it is becoming more of a "chat room" than a serious threat to Watchtower.
Let me say straight away that no one should feel forced to take action against the organisation – but there are undoubtedly many here who could make more of an attempt to do something. I cannot do it alone and I feel terrible that so many people were and still are depending on the "Campaign Team" to DO something. But NOTHING is being done – or at least, nothing I am aware of.
I am no stranger to conflict and have been physically and mentally hurt on a number of occasions in the past. Prior to being a JW, on one occasion I was physically beaten for standing up for my beliefs – while my "friends" stood by and watched, too afraid to join in! I have been on a march through London to voice my disgust over a certain government policy and, whilst in the military, had my head rammed into a prison wall by a regimental policeman for standing my ground on a matter of principle. I mention this to give some idea of how passionately I hold to an ideal if I think it is just. To dent Watchtower is just!
Some of us are weaker than others. I respect that. Some of us have greater writing skills than others. I truly respect that, also! Such a gift is VERY useful. In other words, ALL of us have something we can offer to help get rid once and for all of this soul-destroying organisation that purports to be Christian but damages in some way every life it touches. A lie is a lie and Watchtower is a past master of covering its thorns in sweet-smelling petals.
Rebel, I hope you successfully sue the pants off the organisation. If I can be of help, please let me know. The human rights issue seems a good one to tackle. I’d be interested in seeing how this goes – and having a solicitor act free of charge is a real boon!
If everyone here put half the energy into uniting to give Watchtower a good kick as they do posting fluff I daresay we’d give the organisation something to seriously worry about.
Those that are just waiting for Watchtower to eventually turn into another typically washed-out religion, which it may well do, are not helping the poor souls who are desperate for help now. I look at how some of my own ex-JW friends are going around in fear. Some talk big, that the organisation doesn’t bother them – before going home to hide in a corner. This cannot be allowed to continue. For goodness sake, are we men (and women) or mice?!
The only really positive anti-Watchtower posts that have given me real hope are those submitted by Shunned Father (Lawrence Hughes). Although he’s residing in Canada he is determined for a world class action against Watchtower to take place. Perhaps we should all rally behind him. To date I cannot find another campaign of such substance. He sent me this message recently:
<Thank you very much for your help. I am looking forward to the day that victims from all over the world unite and are heard as one voice and become focused in strategically hitting the Watchtower whereever it becomes most vulnerable. Thanks again. Lawrence>
Now that’s my kind of talk. I’m not a violent person and I’m not vindictive. Like Lawrence – and thousands of other souls hurt by Watchtower – I just want justice. Don’t ever think we can’t succeed.
((((((((Mulan))))))) delighted to hear your dad is much improved!
Hello Dansk, I enjoyed reading your point of view. Your life has been one extreme or another, it seems. No offense intended there. You are a rare breed. You are the type of person that could go down in history for your beliefs or ideals. 99 and 9 tenths of mankind are not like you. If you do not see this fact, you will certainly be disappointed in your life. I do hope that your entire family gets out of WT. with you. I hope that your methods prove to bring you the ultimate happiness.....Minimus
Thanks for coming forward. I understand your angst and frustration. A lot of people in this board and others, have felt exactly as you had upon first exiting, and wanted to accomplish what you are trying to undertake. But time and money and the reality of getting on with life, (with or without loved ones) has forced them to try and help on a smaller and more personal level.
I saw this happen with my dad, and he was so involved, that it was damaging his health and marriage. I once told him he had jumped from the jw cult to the ex-jw cult.
Take care friend.
P.S. Nice beard ! you rebel !
We're all eating and drinking and marrying, that sort of stuff. However, I am not inclined to become as fervent an ex as I was a dub simply because the act of leaving freed me up to live life to the full. I have no intention of being a witness in reverse because that's just as bad as being a witness proper. We can't make people see our point of view. Most of us here have got accustomed to being outies and have posted here and spoken to other dubs, so that we are not burning with the same fervour as a newly-converted ex-dub.
Some time ago, Jan H postulated the question as to who did what for mentally battered ex's. In my lifetime I have been to a hospital accompanying attempted JW suicides on 3 separate occasions. I've taken them into my home and cared for them upon release. I've sat in a KH and listened to some moronic speech at my Fathers funeral and endured the shunning afterwards. I've paid debts to dub businessmen who harassed my own family witness members. I've organised get-togethers so that ex's can meet-up and get some sort of social contact going again. I took part in last years campaign to get an expose letter to an elder in every KH in the UK. I write loads of what I think is useful stuff to help ex's leave. I've fallen out with board members because I'm hot on what is acceptable whilst modding this board so that we don't frighten the newbies away, and that takes more than just idle chatter on this site.
So, Dansk, if you're telling me that you aren't posting here because you are feeling pissy that we're not doing what YOU think we should do, then I am not particularly sympathetic to your opinion.
So, Dansk, if you're telling me that you aren't posting here because you are feeling pissy that we're not doing what YOU think we should do, then I am not particularly sympathetic to your opinion.
I don't expect anyone to do anything other than they are capable of or, indeed, sincerely want to do - and shame on you for even intimating I should be thinking otherwise. What I would like to know is what is the point of having a 'Campaign Strategy' box if no campaigns are being considered? What is the point of having a 'Campaign Team' if not a solitary campaign is being discussed? Or do you think these are unfair questions?
I'm well aware of the help to others that is accomplished by means other than a campaign (I've recently done such myself with two individuals). I've even stated more than once how grateful I am this forum exists! But you and I know a small number of us enthusiastically "got togther" in the campaign box seriously hoping to achieve something. So what's happened?
I understand a bit of what your going through. Just recently at my church Neil and I headed up a campaign for homeless, hoping to get the help of members of our church. While our immediate Sunday School Class was overwhelmingly helpful with it, getting others outside of the group was like pulling teeth from a lion. It was frustrating because the amount of individual work it would have taken on their parts would have been very minimal. But people either couldn't grasp that or were apathetic to the cause or perhaps they were involved in other causes that were personal to them. I don't know. I DO know it was very frustrating for me personally until I looked at things from a different perspective. Those people have a CHOICE to make a difference in ways I'm not privvy to. Is it my business if they do or don't? No. But I had to understand that even though I had a passion for the homeless that I couldn't expect others to have it or even have it like me.
I would love to see the Tower come crumbling down! But I don't have the emotional stamina to even consider joining a big campaign to get it done. Personally, it is my goal to to educate my friends, family, acquaintances locally about the WTS and the harm they cause. It is my goal to show people that the JWs aren't just a quirky little religion, but show the WTS for the destructive and molestor harboring cult that it is. So perhaps we're waging the same war, but different battles?
We are all in this together Dansk. Perhaps we are just doing it differently.
Love to you my friend,