Party FOR Searcher at our house on Saturday, July 5 -- wanna come?

by cruzanheart 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Jesika and I have been plotting, and we're thinking that the perfect follow-up to Jade's 4th of July bash is . . . ANOTHER PARTY!!! Here are the particulars:

    WHEN: Saturday, July 5, beginning at 4:00 p.m. (should give enough time for the hangovers from the 4th celebrations to subside)

    WHERE: Our house (PM me for the address and directions) in Murphy, Texas (not as far as you'd think, honest!)

    I'd like to get a tentative head count to plan my menu, so let me know soon if you can make it! Searcher, our house is very near Southfork -- if you have ever had an urge to see where J.R. Ewing was supposed to have lived, now's your chance.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    oh man I would love to join you but the drive would just kill me

  • cruzanheart

    BTTT!! (And the title should be "Party FOR Searcher" -- that's what I get for typing this at midnight).


  • Country_Woman

    I loved to, but there is an ocean between us.
    much fun and regards,

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    How far is Murphy from Dallas?


  • teejay

    I tried posting a Mapquest map. Didn't work.

  • Billygoat

    Thunder, Murphy is a suburb north of Dallas. Not that far really. It's beautiful because it's a bit towards the countryside.

    Nina, Neil and I might be able to make it. July 3rd and 4th our calendar is packed, but I think the 5th is free. He's still sleeping, so I'll ask him when he wakes up. One of the hazards of our marriage is both of us planning stuff on the same day. That's what we get for being two social butterflies getting married to each other.

  • SheilaM

    Cruzan: Is Valis coming???

  • cruzanheart

    I simply can't have a party without Valis!!! The party may have to get moved up to early afternoon -- kind of a late lunch thing -- because I realized the rodeo tickets I got for Jes and Searcher are good on Friday and Saturday EVENINGS at 8:00 p.m. JESIKA, I HOPE YOU SEE THIS WHILE YOU'RE IN CAJUNLAND!!!

    Andi, I hope you and Neal can come! That would be great! And Sheila & Thunder, Murphy isn't an impossible distance from Dallas -- about 45 minutes from downtown and I drive that every day to get to work. You'll love it! It's near Southfork, if you're an old fan of the Dallas show.

    CountryWoman, I wish you could fly over! Maybe one day . . . .

    BTW, I heard last night that PRCAPONE is in DALLAS for a few days! Maybe we can talk him into staying for Jade's party and mine next week . . . .


  • SheilaM

    Cruzan: We are going to try to come we need to pick up Dimsdale from Valis (the reason I asked if he would be there) So I will twist his arm so two maybe's OK

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