Party FOR Searcher at our house on Saturday, July 5 -- wanna come?

by cruzanheart 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    My liver is down to only 50 percent of functional capacity since yesterday, so that means I can handle another 'fest just fine.

  • arrowstar

    Y'all have fun!! I know you will...that's a given. Wish I could make the party but I can't. Maybe next time?

    Happy 4th of July weekend party time!!


  • Joyzabel

    Megadude said "My liver is down to only 50 percent of functional capacity since yesterday" What!!! We didn't get you sufficiently drunk yesterday? I can't believe you are up before 10am!!!

    Whooohoooo, another party! Glad we came to Dallas this weekend.


  • MegaDude

    Thanks BigTex and Cruzenhart. Had a wonderful time. And such FOOD!!!!!!! Thanks for having us all over. It was fun meeting and talking with everyone. Searcher left a few beers for me to drink. Thanks, Searcher. Heh, heh.

  • SheilaM

    BigTex and Cruzan: Thank you for your hospitality, Thunder and I had a blast and enjoyed meeting each and every one of you.

  • searcher

    Thank you SO much for the party, I had a great time and it was fantastic meeting everyone.

    Man that Cruzenheart can cook !!!!!

    Ona and Bikes, I may not survive down here, these people are SERIOUS party animals, so be ready with a body bag on Tuesday hehehe.

    Love you all


  • drwtsn32

    So where are the pictures?!

  • bikerchic


    Ona and Bikes, I may not survive down here, these people are SERIOUS party animals, so be ready with a body bag on Tuesday hehehe.

    LOL body bag ready and waiting! Could you please email us with the flight details........or it's a long walk from the airport to our house.

    Sounds like searcher will get his much needed rest and restore his liver to functioning before he goes to Green Bay, yous Texans are party hearty apostates for sure!

    Kate jumping up and down can't wait to meet our English friend!

  • cruzanheart

    Poor guy, he's been begging for sleep all week!!! We had a fantastic time yesterday -- party went from noon to 10:30 and then some!!! I missed Jade's party on Friday due to my mom (she fell at the nursing home and I spent the day at the emergency room with her -- she's okay, but had to have five stitches in her eyebrow and has a cracked tailbone).

    Pictures will follow, I promise!!! The day started off as an "Wild Kingdom" episode. We were babysitting a rabbit for some friends, and boy, did our guest room stink!!! Then on Thursday Valis asked us to babysit Dimsdale The Hedgehog until SheilaM and Thunder Rider could come down for him, so he went in next to the rabbit. While picking up donuts on Saturday morning I found a stray black Lab wandering around, so brought him home and put him in the back yard while I called Animal Control (I already have two bassets and two kids, and that plus the rabbit and the hedgehog were ENOUGH). The police came to check out the Lab situation at the same time as the rabbit's owners came to collect him, which caused the policeman a lot of amusement, especially after I introduced him to Dimsdale too.

    Labrador went to Animal Control -- turns out he's a regular offender (escape artist), so he went happily off with the Animal Control Officer. Rabbit went home. Room got thoroughly aired out. Dimsdale huffed in annoyance at all the traffic. Jackson did Poop Patrol in the backyard. Bassets panted with excitement at all the commotion.

    We figured that we had about 25 people in and out during the day/evening, and it was absolutely wonderful!!!!! I'm just sorry that DFWnonJW didn't make it (yes, we missed you!!!) and our Austin friends, but there's a good possibility that he got lost and ended up in McKinney because quite a few people did and it was a busy holiday weekend so I forgive the Austinites for not making the trek to Dallas. Maybe next time!

    Pr_capone is staying with us for a few days (AFTER Dimsdale and the rabbit left) and today the five of us had a fairly peaceful day of sleeping, eating and relaxing. This was a wonderful holiday weekend!!! Thank you all for coming!!! It was so great to meet SheilaM and Thunder Rider in person!!! I'm so glad that damn rabbit is gone!!!

    Searcher, you are a scholar and a gentleman, and I'm so pleased that we got to spend time together. You are a compelling reason for us to visit England (as if we needed an excuse!).

    Photos to follow . . . .


  • SheilaM

    Nina: We soooooo appreciate you getting Dimsdale for us. He is such a sweetie.

    Your home is beautiful as are you all and your children and your food rocked the flan was YUMMY

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