Party FOR Searcher at our house on Saturday, July 5 -- wanna come?

by cruzanheart 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Okay, let's try this (again). I'm not too good at posting photos, so let's all hold our breath and see what happens.

    SheilaM, Thunder Rider, Jennie and Big Tex. Thunder and Sheila drove all the way down for a certain hedgehog and their first apostafest. They didn't seem to mind the drunken orgies. Two really sweet people who are fun to be around.

    Dimsdale the erstwhile hedgehog. When he's being a curmudgeon, he sounds like Volkswagen revving up.

    Jst2laws and Joy2bfree flew in for a visit. Two wonderful, intelligent and warm people and my only regret is I didn't get to visit longer with them. I don't add much to the conversation, but they are both great conversationalists with fascinating stories.

    And of course, Joy's nose ring. Or is it a stud?

    The power of the mohito. Six of Nine discovers wine is not all that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice. Rum does a pretty good job too.

    A very skeptical Megadude.

    The noble British profile of Searcher.

    Searcher and his harem (Jesika, Charice and their mother, Vilma)

    Dexter didn't know what to do with all these apostates invading his personal space.

    Well except for some very poor directions given by me, resulting in Jade and her crew getting an unexpected view of South Fork, all went well. I'd like to give a big Texas thank you to Thunder Rider and SheilaM for driving all the way down from Missouri, and Jst2laws and Joy2bfree for flying in from Florida to join the Texas apostates (lonely without the beloved District Overbeer) in drunken revelry in the little village of Murphy.

    Peace, love and joy,


  • Joyzabel

    ((((((((((((Cruaunheart & Big Tex & 2 lovely kids)))))))))))))))))

    Thank you so much for a lovely time. It was a wonderful party. The food, the spirits and especially the good company. We always are sad to leave our dear friends and get back to reality. ( daughter is being hounded by elders.)

    It was good to meet new ones, too. SheilaM, ThunderRider, Searcher, TresHappy. Of course there was the good old standbys in Dallas, Billygoat and Mozzier, Jade & hubby, Megadude, SixofNine and Moreisbetter. Wow, such good people.



    lol, yep, don't you love my new stud?!

    opps, edited because I forgot someone. sorry :o)

  • TresHappy

    What a great time I had visiting you guys. I loved the Harvey Wallbanger dessert, I have to say, one of the best cakes I've ever had...

    It was great seeing all you guys!

  • SheilaM

    In no paticular order as they all were just awesome and so sweet:

    Big Tex and Cruzan and kiddies: Meeting you two was just awesome I have never felt so welcome anywhere. You are just priceless people

    Jessica and Charice: You are so cool both of you. My stomach still hurts from laughing at your antics. I also enjoyed meeting your Mom and step-dad very much.

    Jst2 and Joy: I am so glad to have met you, talking to you both was so great.

    Billygoat and Mozzier:OH Wow I just loved talking to you both, you two rock!

    TresHappy:You are so sweet and your right that cake is awesome!!!! Thanks for telling me about all the awesome people you know on the board.

    Sixy: It was so AWESOME meeting you finally. You are just too cool for words

    Searcher: I am so glad we got to meet you , you are so nice and I loved hearing your stories.

    Jade & hubby: Jade you and your husband were great to meet. I loved talking to you so much. I hope you have a great vacation.

    Mega: Hey Dude, you are great thanks for being so friendly and cool.

    Moreisbetter: It was great meeting you and hope we get a chance to talk again since we didn't get much time.

  • LyinEyes

    Wow what a party and I missed it..............darn !!!!!!!! We had so much going on with our kids this weekend, so we were stuck in Louisiana. We hate we missed all the fine association and we hate not getting to meet some of the ones we havent meet yet. I am so glad everyone had such a good time , thanks for the pictures, and I should have mine in by next Thursdays from our little gathering here.

    Hugssssssssss to all you fine apostates,,,,,Dede

  • Billygoat

    What an amazing weekend!

    (((((((((((Nina and Chris - and two lovely kiddos!))))))))))))) Just so you know, I'm going to adopt Jennie if she ever lets me! You prove that hostessing is an art! The food was fantastic - the conversation lovely (and LOUD!) - and the new friendships priceless. Saying "thank you" does NOT seem anywhere near enough for all you've done. But we are so grateful for having you in our lives now. A treasure. And thank you for the gifts for our new home. Margaret Keane has always been a favorite of mine, despite the fact that she's a Witness. We'll definitely have you over to see how they look.

    Searcher - you are such a sweet and fun man! I'm sorry we didn't get more of a chance to talk! And I'm sorry you got your fill of beer! I think you're the first apostate to leave with a body bag as your luggage. LOL!

    Joy and Steve - As always, it was such a treat having y'all up here. It's so nice to reminisce about some of the folks back in Mizzoorah. And the new stud in your life is pretty cool. The "old stud" is pretty cool too! LOL! (J/k Steve!)

    Sheila and Thunder - Y'all are the sweetest couple! Anyone that has a heart for hedgehogs are thumbs up in our book! My college roomie's boyfriend used to call me "Ellie May".

    Jesika, Charice, and Mom - WOW! Jes, meeting your mom esplains so much! Hahaha! What a group of firecrackers y'all are! I'm jealous of how much fun y'all have together. Tell your mama she should be proud of her girlz.

    Sixy - You are my hero! I've been going non-stop all weekend with the camera! All my guests (and animals AND husband) are sick of that thing flashing! LOL! I'll call you soon - if I don't run out of town with your toy.

    I've been working on this post for two hours and keep getting distracted. I'll have to come back later!

    TONS OF LOVE to everyone we saw! We had the BEST time!


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