Big Tex, this is something I said to Wild, when we were talking about this. Even if my dad tried to come back into my life,,,,, I really don't want him in it anymore. I could call him, or write him a letter and somehow get in touch with him if I really wanted to ......but since he made this choice, it was his first.....then I now and also doing as you are doing,,,,,,I shun him. Of course my reason is not because a religious organization forbids me from having a relationship with him, but because he is poision to me.
It is sad that I have to do this, but he has made it so clear to me . So I have moved on , knowing that I very well may never see him alive again,,I know there is so much that is buried in my past with him and for now, I am just letting it go,,,,,I have so many other things to concern myself with right now. And the things that I concern myself with now, good friends and my family here,,,,,,,,they can and do give me so much more than the token love my dad once gave me. I can't say I even miss him anymore, and if asked to describe how I feel for him, if there is any love that I have for him,,,,,,it is hard to say.