On Blaming God...

by AGuest 135 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    I find it funny... as in peculiar... that from Adam until today... "we"... get our kicks blaming God. Starting with Adam, who said, "The woman... that YOU gave me... SHE... MADE me... eat," we have this penchant to look everywhere but in the mirror. Now, Adam, of course, had an excuse: he was an infant, unable to make his own... CHOICE. Right?

    I also find it curious... as in peculiar... that of his two sons... Abel, the one who was killed, never seemed to have spoken out in a negative way. Yet, Cain, who committed the murder... seemed to have the "attitude". And yet, Cain... even though later called a "child of the Devil"... was shown mercy. He was even mercifully WARNED. But Cain, also had an excuse: he was an infant, unable to make his own... CHOICE.

    And what would we... wise and all-knowing earthling man... have God to do for us? If He were to intervene and strike down those who are "evil" (and who is to say who is "evil")... we would cry out, "BAD, God... killing those poor people! They had no CHOICE in their evilness... for YOU made them!"

    And yet, on the OTHER hand, were He NOT to intervene, we would cry out, "BAD God... sitting there doing nothing about all the stuff going on at the hands of evil people... who YOU mad!"

    So... what do we truly WANT? We want God... to do what WE want, when WE want it, to the extent WE want it, in the manner WE want it. WE... want to say, "STOP, God!" or "GO, God!" or "Do THIS, God!" or "Don't do THAT, God!" or "WHAT are you doing, God?" as well as "WHY are you doing that, God?"

    In essence... WE... want GOD... to SERVE... us.

    Methinks that "we"... have got it backwards: for He... does not live... for US... but WE... for HIM.

    Again, I bid you peace... and ears... to hear.

    A slave of Christ,


    P.S. For those of you who are thinking, "But I... am NOT evil... I am a GOOD person... so it's all the OTHER people... and GOD... who is at fault," I would have to say, do you really think that, and don't you think everyone else does, too? Do you TRULY do everything you know to be GOOD and NEVER do that which you KNOW to be bad? Truly? Dear ones, some just go to greater lengths in their badness than you, is all, many to the detriment of others... sometimes, many others. But we ALL "choose bad"... from time to time.


  • gumby
    "we"... get our kicks blaming God.

    Hey Shelbmeister......and a top-of-the-mornin, to ya!

    Have you too been blaming God and getting mad at him?

    I don't think anyone gets "kicks" out of blaming god and I'm sure you didn't mean it that exact way. People like myself blame god because they want to believe he is really there. They have come to know him as a god who cares, listens, answers, and convinces those who want him that he is real. When these things do not happen and there is no possitive evidence he is there.........then people....get their"kicks" out of blaming god. Actually it is not kicks.....it is rather a let-down and deep hurt that they have, that they cannot for sure KNOW possitively that he is real.


  • dedalus

    What an ... interesting overuse ... of ellipses ... Shelby. Perhaps God has ... fallen ... into the wide empty ... spaces between ... your ... words, unable ... to scrape His ... way out, His hands ... tightly bound in the ... maddening cat's cradle .. He's made of the ... universe, so entangling even ... He cannot ... escape. Or ... maybe your stupid ... pontification ... on this matter is ... a ... facade for your own ... self-righteous ... hubris ... that I personally ... find despicable.

    Ded ... alus

  • AGuest

    Ah, dearest Gumby... peace to you... and I absolutely understand!

    Where lies the problem? Unfortunately, it lies in that we have been listening... to the WRONG one(s) when they "teach" us about God. We have so deeply instilled in us that He is "exacting," that He doesn't speak, heck, that He doesn't even HEAR... and that He just "lets" all kinds of bad things happen. But such things are NOT true.

    Yet, when one is sent to bear witness to the TRUTH... such one(s)... always... are ridiculed, run off, beaten... even killed. BY... those who claim to know and love God! Do you SEE?

    If you want to know HOW God feels, dear Gumby... what He THINKS... whether He reacts and if so, HOW... then look... to Christ. That One said and did NOTHING of his own initiative... but just as the FATHER taught him... he did.

    I ask you, then, when did my Lord leave off from compassion? When did he ignore pity? Whom... did he turn away?

    Gumby... we HAD the "image" of God COME to us... to SHOW us. Look at THAT ONE... and NO ONE else. Do not look at the self-righteous religious "leaders" of this world; they are not the Source. Do not LISTEN to them, for they are not the Truth... nor do they HAVE truth.

    Instead... gaze intently... at the SON. See... HIM... and ask for HIM to come to you. Go to HIM. And THEN... by means of knowing HIM... you will KNOW... God. Truly. And you will be... amazed... at the lies you have been brought up to believe.

    As always, I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Hamas


    You never cease to amaze me with the neverending zeal you have for your faith. A true testimont to your personality

    In speaking of blaming God, I think you have a valid point. Many people do this, yet are unaware of the consequences they may face come judgement day.

    Thank you for your post. Remember, there is no God but God.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Why is it socially acceptable to thank God for blessings but not socially acceptable to blame God for tragedies? Aren't they two sides of the same coin?

  • AGuest

    Ahhhh, Dedalus... peace to you... and why the need to insult? What illwill have I done toward or spoken against you? My ellipses are just a matter of my... ummmm.... personal "style". I mean, at least, you will know when it is me posting, yes? I use them... as well as caps... for the simple purpose of emphasis.

    You see, the TRUTH is that I am just too LAZY to move the posting box and my pointer around so that I can click on the italics icon. But, while I am lazy (at least when it comes to typing - I type VERY fast... but my "point-and-click" leaves something to be desired!)... I am not... ummmm... stupid. Well, not entirely.

    You see, while I do not believe in "pontifying" myself in the manner that YOU have attributed to me (I don't KNOW that stuff, dear Dedalus)... I WILL pontificate as to what I DO know. To wit:

    I have a 4.0 in College Level English... from California State Universities at Sacramento and Hayward... including Basic Composition, Advanced Composition, Basic Expository Writing, Advanced Expository Writing, Critical Writing, Modern English Grammar, History of the English Language, Beginning Fictional Writing, and Advance Fictional Writing.

    Now, by means of this... ummmm... "knowledge"... I COULD do the "standard" essay thing, which would include... if I may say so myself... an AWESOME outline and KILLER thesis statement.

    But, heck... why?! I don't THINK in that format. Who does? (Okay, some of my English professors may have, and my ellipses drove them crazy, too!) But... I think it's quite BORING... and I... prefer prose.

    Anyway, the greatest of peace to you... and you have yourself a GREAT weekend, too, okay? Okay.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,

    SJ, who has NO illusions of granduer so as to pontify regarding my service to God and Christ, for I am but a slave... but an EDUCATED slave, nonetheless.

  • avishai
    I have a 4.0 in College Level English... from California State Universities at Sacramento and Hayward... including Basic Composition, Advanced Composition, Basic Expository Writing, Advanced Expository Writing, Critical Writing, Modern English Grammar, History of the English Language, Beginning Fictional Writing, and Advance Fictional Writing.

    So...what, this makes your belief i god more valid? Even moses got angry w/ God, & argued w/ him. So?

    Beginning Fictional Writing, and Advance Fictional Writing.

    Perhaps this is what you are writing?

  • dedalus

    Shoot, Shelby, you make it impossible to hate you.

    You're crazy, but nice crazy.


  • AGuest
    Why is it socially acceptable to thank God for blessings but not socially acceptable to blame God for tragedies? Aren't they two sides of the same coin?

    Because, dear Orbit... God... is only responsible... for the former. While it is true that He "created" chaos... He did so for HIS purpose. It is our misuse of it... as well as the Adversary's... that has led us here. Okay, I know... what about earthquakes, tornadoes... "acts of God," etc. Such things occur... in and on the "cursed" earth, dear one... brought on by Adam's CHOICE. It does not occur in the PEACEFUL earth... the TRUE "Jerusalem". For NO harm is done... in all that holy mountain. And, for those who would say, "But God could have CHOSEN... NOT to curse the earth," I would reply to you, "Yes, and people... particularly people with children/family... could CHOOSE... NOT to live in California... or Kansas... or at the foot of volcanoes... or within flood plains... or drive cars... or fly in airplanes... or smoke cigarettes... or ignore their health... or abuse their children... or steal... or cheat... or lie... But... they DO." Thus, we ALL have our REASONS... for CHOOSING... to do what we do... and not doing what we don't. ALL of us... including... God. Peace to you! A slave of Christ, SJ

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