May you all have peace!
I find it funny... as in peculiar... that from Adam until today... "we"... get our kicks blaming God. Starting with Adam, who said, "The woman... that YOU gave me... SHE... MADE me... eat," we have this penchant to look everywhere but in the mirror. Now, Adam, of course, had an excuse: he was an infant, unable to make his own... CHOICE. Right?
I also find it curious... as in peculiar... that of his two sons... Abel, the one who was killed, never seemed to have spoken out in a negative way. Yet, Cain, who committed the murder... seemed to have the "attitude". And yet, Cain... even though later called a "child of the Devil"... was shown mercy. He was even mercifully WARNED. But Cain, also had an excuse: he was an infant, unable to make his own... CHOICE.
And what would we... wise and all-knowing earthling man... have God to do for us? If He were to intervene and strike down those who are "evil" (and who is to say who is "evil")... we would cry out, "BAD, God... killing those poor people! They had no CHOICE in their evilness... for YOU made them!"
And yet, on the OTHER hand, were He NOT to intervene, we would cry out, "BAD God... sitting there doing nothing about all the stuff going on at the hands of evil people... who YOU mad!"
So... what do we truly WANT? We want God... to do what WE want, when WE want it, to the extent WE want it, in the manner WE want it. WE... want to say, "STOP, God!" or "GO, God!" or "Do THIS, God!" or "Don't do THAT, God!" or "WHAT are you doing, God?" as well as "WHY are you doing that, God?"
In essence... WE... want GOD... to SERVE... us.
Methinks that "we"... have got it backwards: for He... does not live... for US... but WE... for HIM.
Again, I bid you peace... and ears... to hear.
A slave of Christ,
P.S. For those of you who are thinking, "But I... am NOT evil... I am a GOOD person... so it's all the OTHER people... and GOD... who is at fault," I would have to say, do you really think that, and don't you think everyone else does, too? Do you TRULY do everything you know to be GOOD and NEVER do that which you KNOW to be bad? Truly? Dear ones, some just go to greater lengths in their badness than you, is all, many to the detriment of others... sometimes, many others. But we ALL "choose bad"... from time to time.