I agree that they have alot of the same complaints, but then again, alot of our complaints are frivolous. If it weren't for all of the JW failed Prophecies, we wouldn't have as much to complain about. I would venture to guess that that's why most of us are gone, or at least why we've stayed gone. And then you have the act of shunning, the blood issues, the child molestation issues. Yes, I know that the LDS have their share of Child Molesters, but their policy is by far better than the JW, and no-one ever blamed the Watchtower for having child molesters, they can't help that. What they do with them is the problem. I contacted a law firm that everyone claims is the top law firm handling Mormon law suits pertaining to the Child Abuse Issues within the Church (equivalent to Kim Norris I suppose). They told me that they have had ONE case, and they can't find another that's worth fighting in court because 99% of the time the Church does everything right. That's the Law Firm who is SEARCHING for more cases against the Church.
Here's their Child Abuse Policy:
1. Child and Parents come to the Bishop, and a committee is formed
2. The Church and Parents call Salt Lake City Legal and psychology (?) Depts.
3. They assist the parents in finding therapy for the child
4. They set up a meeting with the accused, to inform him that they are contacting the Police. They do give him the chance to turn himself in right then, with their assistance. If he refuses, they call themselves, and he is DF'd. If he denies the charges, he and the Church arrange an investigation with the authorities. The Authorities conduct this investigation, and the Church conducts theirs.
Other than these major problems in the JW religion, the rest are just our way of 'coping', at least for me, and besides, it's fun to make fun of them, let's face it. If the Watchtower didn't have the major problems stated above, I'd still be a witness, and most likely many of us would be. I've read through exmormon.org, as well as all of the ex-LDS sites I could find, for years now, and I can't find anything in their religion that constitutes their complaints. They've had many more Prophesies in all their years (66 in the 1800's alone), and not one has failed. Some say that a couple have failed, but the proof is very thin. But, to be fair, I never have been a Mormon, so it's easy to say that from the outside. But like I said, I have many many friends that are Mormon, and I have been to the Mormon Church many times, sometimes regularly. As a matter of fact, I would be a Mormon if it weren't for a few problems I have with organized religion. Rev ---------- LambsRoar.org