Mormon "Apostates"

by Kenneson 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    KGB, surprising experience. From what you and Rev had said in this thread, I am beginning to think I shouldn't classify the LDS as another cult. The obviously don't share the shunning nature of the JWs.

  • KGB

    Oh but they are a cult

  • drwtsn32

    KGB, can you tell me which items on this "cult warning list" apply to Mormons? I know most all of them apply to JWs:

    I initially thought LDS shunned ex members and didn't allow reading anti LDS material. But from what others have said in this thread those things are not true.

  • KGB


    10 warning signs of a unsafe gruop or leader. 1,2,5,9,10

    10 warning signs regarding people involved with a potentially unsafe group or leader. 1,2,3,4,5,6,9

    And there is much much more that proves they are a cult. They take away the true purpose of Jesus and the bible. They use there own books before they use the bible for basic teaching and understanding. And most of there doctrine is not in the bible but in the "Book of Mormon" & The Doctrine and Covenants"

  • drwtsn32

    Thanks KGB, I basically thought Mormons fit those items as well, but I'm not so sure about the shunning part any more.

    And there is much much more that proves they are a cult. They take away the true purpose of Jesus and the bible.

    But teachings and doctrine alone do not define whether or not a group is a cult. A cult must have dangerous mannerisms such as those in the aforementioned web site. I think you might be using the "cult" label on groups that simply have "non traditional" Christian beliefs, which isn't exactly accurate.

  • RevMalk

    still busy, be back in a bit, but I don't buy into the whole cult thing as much as some do. If you matched Christ Church up to that list, which ones apply?

    I'm not saying that some groups that match up on this list are ok, I'm saying that this list is very vague, and ebay matches up just about 1-10, so you have to be careful attributing the 'cult' tag onto an organization.


  • RevMalk

    sorry, double. I still can't work this new forum.

  • Ravyn

    my personal definition of a cult is

    1 mind control- isolation

    2 social control- insulation

    3 information control

    combined with the us/them paradigm - demonization (of anyone outside of the group), lack of tolerance, exclusivity

    the LDS does not fit information control, it fits mind and social control somewhat. It is not as extreme as other groups. however, just because a religion does not hold sola scriptura does not make it a cult. fundamentalists fail to admit that. the only people I see crying 'cult' on LDS are other religions who disappprove of their doctrine. this is in itself a mark of cultism! exclusivity or demonization.

    welcome back KGB.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    my personal definition of a cult is : the other guy's religion

  • RevMalk

    well put Ravyn.

    I don't know if they're a 'cult' or not, I think the term is different for every person. I myself think the Watchtower is borderline cult, except for the shunning, which puts them way over that border.

    But teachings and doctrine alone do not define whether or not a group is a cult. A cult must have dangerous mannerisms such as those in the aforementioned web site. I think you might be using the "cult" label on groups that simply have "non traditional" Christian beliefs, which isn't exactly accurate.

    I very much agree here as well. I could start a group where I think Snoopy is God, if I find others that believe the same, yet our group shows no signs of cult behavior, well then we're simply not a cult, just stupid, lol.


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