Stereotypical ELDERS

by tazmaniac 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • sandy
    Brother Intellectual - Perhaps because he went to college before he was a witness, this brother actually has a brain. He is therefore considered by others--and often considers himself--to be an authoritative expert on theology, science, and basically any and every academic discipline. He bestrides the congregation like a colossus; his word is unquestioned. He reads all the WTS publications, and probably has some private doubts, but spouts off elabortate justifications and defenses if anyone else expresses those doubts.

    There is an elder just as you described in my last congregation. Everyone thinks this guy is so great and smart. He really is a great speaker it is no wonder he makes really good money in sales.

    He always encourages people through his nicely worded talks to reach out to those less fortunate, associate with everyone in the congregation, it is ok if you are single and cannot find a mate, it is ok if you work at Mc Donald’s for peanuts.

    But you would never find this elder associating with weak ones or people in a lower financial class than he. And he always seems to be driving the most expensive car in the parking lot.

    Sometimes I think elders like this are only in the org. for fame and glory.

  • tazmaniac

    How about Brother Neverknowhowhegotappointed : He is slovenly. His parts are very generic. You wonder how he ever got appointed. Then you remember he has a business and it provides a service that many of the elders would like to get cheap or free.

  • undercover

    OK these aren't stereotypical but they are real:

    Brother Stole Somone's Idea, Got Rich, DF'd, Reinstated, Made Elder, Still Rich.

    And the saddest that I know:

    Brother Talented, Ganged up on, Disgraced, Committed Suicide.

  • sandy

    Brother too young to be an elder, looks down on women, know-it-all, bossy, still a virgin at 40 Elder.

  • Euphemism

    Thanks for your reply, undercover... I didn't mean to be critical. I've just known very few truly evil people... and it's easier for me to laugh at the elders than be angry at them. But I didn't mean to interfere with everyone else's fun. :)

  • wednesday

    Bro everything is about sex. All his talks include sexual content, drools over the other sisters(very carefully) he is known for giving "advice " to single sisters and married sisters with martial problems.His wife is usaully very spiritual but homely. U suspect he is not getting any or does not want what he is getting.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Brothermisogynist - he's outraged that women even sit in the hall, and is constantly reminding sisters that they should dress more modestly (a knee should only be seen by a husband)

    Brother Mysogynist also firmly believes that anything that comes out of a woman's mouth besides a humble, "Yes, dear" or "Of course, brother" is gossip. And he rails against sisters' gossiping (which includes phrases like, "I heard your wife was ill, can we come over and clean your house for you and bring you a meal so she doesn't have to worry?", I'm not kidding or exaggerating) at every part he gives.

  • JeffT

    There was one that fits undercover's Brother Likeafathertome to "T." He married us, offered a lot of help, was well regarded by everybody. He quit being an elder for a number of years when his internal BS detector went off the scale. I was very disappointed to hear a couple of years ago that not only is he still a dub, he's an elder again.

  • razorMind

    Brother "Down-Wit'-Da-Young-Peeps":

    Usually a tad "younger" in age than the other elders; sometimes quite young. May be a bit less staid (dare I say, OPENMINDED?!?) than the others. Usually "knows of" the latest trends in clothes, music, etc. amongst the JW teens. "Understands" what they're "going through". It's usually safe for younger brothers to shoot hoops with and/or hang with this elder. Oftentimes this elder organizes "safe" events for the teen JW's.

    This type of elder is usually called in to assist those JW teen delinquents who've gotten into trouble, or are being "rebellious" , etc. He's usually called on to do any type of Special Needs talks concerning young people. Make that ANY type of talk targeted at young people. And I forgot the ever-important Sex Talk, whenever the young brothers need to be so instructed.

    This elder is fully aware of his influence on the "young ones", and likes to flaunt it whenever possible. Hilarity ensues when said elder makes a comment during the Watchtower study and uses outdated teen slang, or mentions cornily outdated teen trends to make a point. Even more hilarity when the other adult JW's nod their heads sagely, safe and secure in their knowledge that this elder truly "knows the young people."

  • libra_spirit

    How about brother Jehovahmouth. Every fifth word from his lips is Jehovah. This guy needs Jehovah just to go brush his teeth.

    And then theres brother shouldoftookriddalin, he is a bundle of nerves, can talk for an hour and say absolutly nothing. Makes up his own little slang expressions and uses them constantly.

    Brother slicknslimy, gives you a big innocent smile while he is figuring out how to get rid of you so he can talk to somebody more spiritual then you.

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