Brother soon-to-be-elder because daddy is a rich elder in the hall --- This young brother was made an MS while still a teenager because daddy was an elder and had the bucks. Later on, this MS rapidly climbed the corporate ladder even though he used to do all the other bad things that the rest of his peer group did. He eventually makes Elder status and is now the PO of a congregation in Ramona, CA at the ripe old age of 32.
Brother Used-to-be-Walking Aid Book/Insight Book, now Brother Struggling --- This brother was the absolute cream of the crop in fine spiritual qualities bar none. Any topic of discussion could be answered by this brother through memory of the publications. He was clean cut to the extreme. Clothes were immaculate and perfect for the ministry. This brother was an MS for years. Could have been excellent elder material. Now is just an ordinary publisher serving under Brother soon-to-be-elder in the same congregation who happens to be almost 10-15 years his younger.