"Do JW's and Born-Again Christians have something in common?

by jads 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT
    Your all wrong.I'm a Born-Again Christian

    and by DEFAULT your belief system teachers that anyone NOT BORN AGAIN is lost

    while you may not accept that tenet, much like many jw don't accept the Shunning policy toward DFed folks the fact remains you are part of a system that teaches that as the Official view of God himself

    so you are like jw SAME PRODUCT different package

  • ashitaka

    Born-Agains who were previously JW's must be born fools, otherwise, how could that kind of lightening strike twice?

    I'll take a smoke and a nice drink over a fundamentalist God any day.


  • DannyBear

    FunDyMentality one must purge the brain cells of all sound logic, then proceed to develope a severe case of selective paranoia. Without both in full operation, no self respecting 'born again' can live with him/herself.

    Iam good...no Iam bad......Iam good no Iam bad.......Jesus loves me...not you.......Jesus loves me not you.....Jesus is coming to get me...no you.....Jesus is coming.........Oh JESUS!


  • Cassiline



  • aspiration
    Iam good...no Iam bad......Iam good no Iam bad.......Jesus loves me...not you.......Jesus loves me not you.....Jesus is coming to get me...no you.....Jesus is coming.........Oh JESUS!

    LOL-It almost reads as if Jesus does pornos.


  • DannyBear


    My lady attended Baptist youth summer school. It was about the only religious training she ever had. In our many discussions about religion she recalled how embarassed she was when the minster would call out to the assembled congregation 'come for Jesus', 'their coming down the aisles'....to her 15yr old sensibilities......it boardered on pornographic.........thus she never invited her non-religious parents to church.

    Snicker snicker snicker....


    ps either she was embarrassed or just plain horny and had a very sexualy active imagination!!!!!!!!! Yeah baby!

  • Ravyn

    at the risk of sounding like I am on someone's side---not all born again xtians are fundys.

    but yes JWs are fundys. Just a different flavor of fanatic.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Let me ask a little question -- aren't all of you being judgmental of Born Again Christians?

    And, by the way, that is a HUGE generalization to refer to all "Born Again Christians" as being a certain way.

    That would be the same as me saying that "all atheists are judgmental" or "all evolutionists are judgmental", but I would never do that.

    I think you need to narrow down your statements, such as "Fundamentalist Christians are such and such", but even then, it would still be a big generalization.

    It would be best to narrow down your statements by the denomination or specific religion or church.

    Jesus Christ said that unless you are "Born Again" you cannot even see the Kingdom of God. Therefore, any Christian who truly believes in the Bible, is going to believe that they have been "Born Again".

    In fact, out of all people who claim to be Christians, I believe it is only the "Great Crowd" of Jehovah's Witnesses who believe they are not "Born Again".

    Also, I am extremely interested in hearing exactly who is being referred to when people refer to "Born Again Christians on this Website hate JW's". Who is being referred to?

    Exactly which users of this Website who claim to be "Born Again Christians" hate JW's?

  • UnDisfellowshipped
    and by DEFAULT your belief system teachers that anyone NOT BORN AGAIN is lost

    What is your point?

    The Bible DOES NOT teach the JW's "Disfellowshipping" doctrine.

    If a person believes what the Bible says, then yes, only people who believe in Jesus will be saved. Period.

    But, Jesus said to "love your enemies" and "love your neighbor as yourself" and "do to others what you want them to do to you".

    If you are truly following Jesus, you will NOT hate anyone, but you will love everyone.

  • Myxomatosis

    <<<<This might be funny to some people but I really feel that the reason that JW's and Born Again Christians hate each other so much is because they are so much alike. They see themselves in each other. I have been on both sides of the spectum and believe me all of the Born-Agains that post on this site are more like JW's then they want to admit to themselves. What do you think?>>>>

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! *deep breath ok*

    I don't know, I don't really think so, unless it is by the fact we defend creation/ G-d. (not the God of the WT) the difference for me is my belief is not in any organization to be J***vah's flow of truth for men. Can you explain perhaps, I have been surprised with one person on this board, in the manner they behaved, oh well, I'm not gonna tell how he should.

    I can see how perhaps some of the attitudes of Christians (esp. Catholics IMO) tend to be a bit judgemental.
    For example, I had my nose pierced awhile back (only reason I took it out was cos of infection) and my Aunt who is Catholic very passive aggresively told me that sort of thing had 'negative connotations' ,,,,SO?? I argued with her that it didn't matter naturally, it had nothing to do with who I was, just really liked it. I agree, some are really twatty, but I have to assume since they're really over the top sometimes, that they would be really twatty regardless if they were Christian or not. They're judgemental people in ever group, whether they be 'religious' or not. I find the sentiment regarded towards Christians as judgemental to the extreme that it is just pure seething hostility at times.

    btw, the WT policy on proper presentation in your attire and beards just makes me think of Jesus' words "Outside they are white washed tombs, but inside they are full of dead man's bones" eeeek. I especially thought that after a JW on another board listed that proudly when speaking of the door to door 'they know when our clean shaven, well dressed boys show up on their doorstep, blah blah blah' likening the appearence as a testimony to their obvious 'cleanliness' of the spirit, basically she believed it was of great importance, and proved some sort of righteousness, and trustworthiness to them, like if you were not dressed 'right' or shaven 'right' you would not be adequate to preach or something. UGGGGGGH!!! I detest that esp. The whole thing about outward appearance with some Christians just gets my goat, especially when I see those bikers with all the tattoos, bandanas, long beards and the like going around the country preaching CHRIST. Now THAT's the way to do it.

    Personally, I didn't know that the JW's HATED Christians, I don't hate JW's, and the reason I find the organisation itself repulsive is because of the lies deceit, control, false prophecy, the utterly deceptive treatment of the Early Church Fathers, the utterly deceptive straw man arguments, straw man issues, and straw man morality (creating a 'Great Babylon' out of straw man issues, then proudly saying that they have 'gotten out of her' 'heard the call'), the self-righteousness pompous nonsense I read in all WT quotes about itself. NOT because they manifest qualities prevelant in Christianity. I would pat them on the back if one of them would go talk to their mom whose been disfellowshipped, and hasn't been allowed to see her grandchildren. I know there has been lies, etc. in the history of Christianity too, so please don't cleverly bring that *to my attention*

    I would just like to say that I think people who are passionate about things will also be outspoken with it. For example, the protestors to the War, you may disagree, you may find it annoying, but if you are against the war, you will find the arguments in support of the war annoying. It is entirely opposite, but the reaction to the other side is similar. If Christians are outspoken and passionate about things and you disagree, there is a high degree of possibility of you rolling your eyes, getting tense and perhaps even screaming at the television set. If you are a passionate JW you will find many people find you annoying. There again, similar reactions, different messages entirely. Putting everyone who such and such find annoying in the same boat and then saying they dislike eachother because they're both so annoying, and they recognise that in one another??? lol, no, it has more to do with the issues war/anti war I do believe.

    It would be easier to examine the big differences between that which Christians believe (in the way of behaviours, rules, mentality)

    1. The WT are AUTHORITARIAN, that is, they dictate 'morality' and 'behaviour' that which you are supposed to do, and that which you are not. This is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the Scriptures. You are not to impose what YOU PRACTICE *which is a non issue in Scriptures* to be right in your own conscience, such as in issues that should be a matter of conscience in the WT (BLOOD, DOOR TO DOOR, READING OTHER RELIGIOUS LITERATURE, the PROPER FOREPLAY WITH YOUR MARRIED PARTNER???!!!!, CELEBRATING HOLIDAYS, SALUTING THE FLAG, MILITARY SERVICE, basically anything that you can say 'well I do it this way, and it is the RIGHT way to do it, so therefore, if you wish to do things RIGHT, you will do it MY WAY) sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Which some denominations are guilty, but you will not lose your only hope for a 'new earth' and not being destroyed at Harmageddon for leaving, if you don't like it, find another Church. The thing is that certain people feel the need to do certain things, and some Churches are more likely to do these things than others (baptists-tithing) you don't stay if you disagree with the *extras*

    2. Christians are NOT TOLD (in large part) WHOM is 'best' to associate with and who it is 'better' to avoid. They are not told WHAT TO READ in regard to literature, they are actually encouraged to read critical literature, esp. for study purposes.

    3. Christians ARE NOT required to attend any sort of Church, denomination (except in some like Catholic) and if they do choose to, they are not 'encouraged' and their 'spiritual well-being' is not questioned if they DO NOT attend for such and such amount of days a week/month, it is entirely their choice. For me, I don't go to church :) They are not questioned 'how do you feel about J***vah's org.' because they hold that all with faith in Christ are part of the Church, the Bride of Christ.



    ESPECIALLY IF THAT PERSON SIMPLY IS QUESTIONING CHRISTIANITY. i.e. thinking normally in the course of most anyone with any faith.

    They can leave without being shunned. The thing is that it is up to the individual, if the person in question has sincerely offended an individual by an ACTUAL SIN, then they can avoid them if they choose, usually no families are torn apart. (actually, since I don't attend church I'm really not sure, I am absolutely positive it is NOTHING at all like the policy of the WT, and there will be no reprecussions to a person for speaking with someone who has gone into 'disbelief') naturally. Too different from the WT to be of any consequence in the realm of similarity.

    I've questioned the object plenty *naturally, because I read CRITICAL literature* of Christianity, Who is Christ, not SIMPLY an organization, but the Person Himself.

    Big point here, for me personally, reading the information control of the WT was frightening to the extreme. Also their absolute obsession with Satan being out to get them (for some) is utterly disproportionate to his role in the Bible. I don't know any Christian who absolutely refuses to see criticism of past decisions within the Christian community, actually, it is mostly unavoidable, since it is recorded in secular history *somewhat* due to the fact of no separation between Church and state (bad idea)
    I know of no such thing for Christians in general.

    I was addressing this first off because the gulf to me being a Christian, and reading the stories on here from life as a JW, are absolutely enormous.

    I think perhaps the thing that you found alike between the two is the ..... I really can't think of it.


    similar the ACT yes, similar what is PREACHED NO! Christians don't preach an organization, 1914, classes of salvation, or annihilation of everyone not in a VISIBLE organization, nor an INVISIBLE (heretical) presence of CHRIST. ummmm, yeah.

    With regards to other things, the whole obsession with uniformity within the WT is so absurd, there is another BIG dissimilarity between the two (you are allowed to disagree about things, such as again, anything with concern to LAWS of your LIFE) Of course I realise this is one of the major reasons the JW use (as far as I can tell) to say they are the only 'true religion' ...sadly their CONFORMITY resulting in uniformity only proves that they are a true cult. It's slightly different than everyone just NOT doing certain things (holidays, flag, military) and DOING certain things. and agreeing that they are good/bad. black/white.

    with regard to zeal? sure, there's lots of Christians who are zealous, not because of impending perfect earth, or because they're required to have a certain amount of zeal i think, but for reasons more pertaining to having found someone, and wanting to share HIM, not it. errm, as for annoying? ooooooohh, boo boo kitty f*ck I find the snotty condescending way that a believer on this board is sometimes treated annoying and just really sickening.

    Anyways, I've had my say, sorry to get a bit off topic at times. I do have to in general disagree.

    As to the original question, again, no, it is not because I can 'see myself in them' that I dislike what they're doing. lol.

    *yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon*

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