you have not proven the true source of what you share.
See my question to you... twice, now... as to what YOU would regard a proof.
You have proven nothing except what YOU claim. Nothing more.
And how did those before me make such proof? Was it not based on their claim?
Amos 7:14-16
Or, perhaps you wish to "see" proof... as did the people of Noah's day... as did Pharaoh... Israel... Nebuchadnezzar... the scribes and Pharisees of my Lord's day in the the flesh. Are you SURE you want such proof? Because IF you would take a moment to read the accounts... you would find that whenever such proof was DEMANDED... it usually did not come as the people... expected. The ONLY time it came... ummmm... peacefully... is when the people did NOT demand proof... but walked... WITH FAITH.
Israel, Israel... always looking for a "sign".
Anyone can claim what you do.
You are COMPLETELY in error. NO ONE can claim to be led by holy spirit... or speak by MEANS of holy spirit... unless they are INDEED led by and speaking by means of... such spirit. I would direct you back to whatever YOUR "source" is... and tell them that they have lied to you, completely misled you.
People who practice your trade are found in every corner of the earth.
Notice the word "trade". This denotes an EXCHANGE... of something... of value... either to one party... or both. However, I give FREE... because I RECEIVED free. I ask nothing in return. There is no "trade". I don't even care whether you hear... or refrain. It is not my concern.
Ezekiel 3:20, 21
Neither YOU... nor anyone here can pay me... in any way, size, shape or form. I do not profit from my assignment. But those of whom you speak... receive compensation. Of some sort. Usually... money.
Some are called mediums, others are labeled charlatans.
Sigh! It truly boggles my mind when people use words they don't fully understand. I am not a medium; I am a servant. Were I a medium, you could hear... and perhaps see... into the spirit realm... by means of ME. You could ask me to speak for YOU... to those in the spirit world. And maybe even receive a direct reply.
My "gift", however, is not to be used for that purpose. It is ONLY to used by ONE, my Lord. The "gift" is his... therefore, it is for HIM to use... and only him. For just as he gave it... he can take it away.
If YOU wish to see and hear what is in the spirit realm, then YOU... can either seek the assistance of a medium (but, you would be using a thief and plunderer)... or you can go through the Door. I am NOT the Door... I am not here to BE the Door; I am simply here to tell you ABOUT the Door - he exists... and invites ALL... to go through him. Even you.
You can prove nothing because God has given you nothing.
And you know this to be true by means of what "source", please? Your own understanding? And that is worth... what?
As I said madam, you are a fraud.
Think what you will, IW. I am sure that YOU know of what YOU speak... and from whom YOU speak it. Right?
My peace... remains.
YOUR servant (since you profess a belief in God), and a slave of Christ,