With This One Thought, You Become An XJW

by metatron 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • moman

    My thought was, "Anything is better than this!"

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    Ballistic....you are so right!

    I like who I am now. Being a JW made me a stronger and more compasionate person......now I don't judge people like I used to when I was a JW. I have more sense of what freedom feels like.


  • rocketman

    Now C'mon Met....don't you realize that religion has to be boring and that we must suffer through endless meetings in order to know that we have the "truth"?

  • rocketman

    Honestly, I thought that, since I disliked it so much, it must be right somehow. Like there had to be some "suffering" involved.

  • heathen

    Actually my last thought was " Get the hell outa here " as I threw the bible study conductor out of my house .


    Yo heathen!! I'm prouda your assertiveness!!! Well done!!!


  • metatron

    I think a lot of Witnesses feel the same way - it's awful so it must be good for


    (whack! slaps forehead again!)

    How did we fall into such a horrid mode of thinking? That righteousness and goodness

    aren't enjoyable or that everything MUST be a trial ? Sheesh!

    My masochist days are over, period.


  • patio34

    Well, Metatron--this is certainly a huge coincidence.

    I logged on with the intent to start a thread on my experience at the UU (Unitarian) church last night, scanned the threads, opened yours, and voila!

    Well, here's mine: I went to a Friday night movie viewing (that's right--a MOVIE). A group of us watched Grand Canyon, along with popcorn, candy, etc. provided by the church.

    Then, after the movie we sat around and discussed it. And it hit me: vive la differance! Not a programmed robotic Q&A Bible discussion, but a free discussion about a movie!

    That was my head-smack moment!

    One older lady stated that she didn't like to hear the words shit and fuck in the movies. I teased her by covering my ears and saying, "Oh, but you said both!" We all had a good laugh.

    Another refreshing aspect of the local UUs is that they have a sangha group that meets at a house every week for Buddhist meditation. It feels as if I've left a totalitarian country for a free one!

    Thanks for starting this thread, Met.


  • what-now?

    My 'one thought' or perhaps epithany was: How can a God of love destroy a 'good' person, who's doing all he/she knows how to do, in attempts to pleas Him? I've met 'good' church-going people whom I would 'save' from destruction (not necessarily JW's!) and I'm imperfect. Wouldn't a perfect being like Jehovah save some/many who were sincere but just not His 'witnesses'?

  • shamus

    Well said, what-now? How dare anyone tell someone that they are going to die at armageddon. What the hell happened to that scripture that said do not judge one-another? Oh, but everyone else is a Pharisee, they'll say... The Jduds are the Pharisees with stupid man-made rules and blind faith....


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