last convention before global attack on witnesses

by Phoebe 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Some people are saying this is out last convention before a global attack on witnesses."

    I heard this in 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2010 and again in 2016.

    I could add to that 1969, too!

  • zeb

    I seem too recall that statement being said just before the 1974 conv in Sydney, Australia.

  • lancelink

    I went with a large group of witnesses to see " The Empire Strikes Back" after a convention the summer when the movie opened.

    Everyone just loved the movie, but then the conversation and mood completely changed when someone said, " well, this is probably going to be the last Star Wars movie before Armageddon, maybe George Lucas can hurry up and make the next movie pretty quick".

    That conversation just wrecked the afternoon for pretty much everyone, but there were those diehard witnesses who just kept bringing up how sad they were that this was the end of Star Wars.

    Fast forward to 2017. There have been how many, 8-9 more Star Wars movies since then ? Try not to let their ignorant chatter derail your life. your too important!

  • flamegrilled

    Hi Phoebe

    I get panic attacks. They first started when I first experienced cognitive dissonance in relation to JW doctrine. That was over 20 years ago. I also dream very vividly and I would have recurring nightmares about Armageddon.

    I'm still a Christian and believe in Bible prophecy, but now that I have been away from meetings for sufficient time, and not had to endure the psychological propaganda of the WT, I don't have those same anxieties. Sure, I still get panic/anxiety attacks - but much more rarely now than I used to. And I still have bad dreams, but not arising out of the morbid fear that WT doctrine engenders.

    A couple of things that might help in the short term if you have access to them might be to talk to a social worker, or someone else qualified, or to look into some CBT. The good thing about CBT - even if you have to pay for a few sessions - is that you can learn some techniques for coping that you can practice for yourself and improve at, so you're not on an endless cycle of treatment.

    If you're still a believer (in Christ I mean, not the WT) then prayer also will be helpful.

    In specific regard to the assembly and the hype reflected in the email you received, I can recommend reading this article:

    I hope you are able to get some relief from your anxiety.


  • Ding

    The WT keeps JWs in line by constant failed predictions of impending doom:

    1874 was the invisible return of Christ; then it changed to 1914.

    World War I was Armageddon; then it wasn't.

    1918 was the year Jehovah would destroy all the churches of Christendom, but he didn't.

    1925 was the year the patriarchs would be resurrected, but they weren't.

    1942 was the end, but then it wasn't.

    1975 was an appropriate time for Jehovah to bring Armageddon and the new system, but he didn't.

    We would never grow old in this system of things, but we have.

    People who saw with understanding the events of 1914 would be alive at Armageddon; they are now 120 or older.

    The end had to come within one generation of 1914; now the generations overlap.

    When a JW tells you a global attack on JWs is imminent. Remember:

    -- Most of the world doesn't care what JWs do or believe; most people in the world have never heard of them.

    -- Most of the current opposition to JWs in the world isn't caused by their loyalty to Jehovah; it's caused by their systematic covering up of pedophilia.

    -- When the "global attack" doesn't within a year, the organization will say they never said it and will blame you for thinking it did. (That's how it dealt with the 1975 fiasco).

    Try this: The next time a JW tells you a global attack on JWs will occur within a year, ask them to deed their house over to you, effective one year later. If the attack hasn't happened by then, you'll keep the house.

    When a year goes by with no global attack on JWs, ask them how long they intend to keep following a false prophet that claims to speak for Jehovah.

  • WTWizard

    The year 2017 could be the end of not having microchips for Americans, assuming the obummercare is enforced. If this happens, since jokehovianism and communism are similar enough, I am not expecting much trouble for the witlesses for that. And even if they do get persecuted, all religions will experience persecution (and especially pagan ones), now that Christi-SCAM-ity has done its job. This will help usher in global enslavement.

    And the jokehovian witlesses have done much to help make it happen. They donated much psychic energy to the cause. Many of their Kingdumb maladies donate much energy to the end of the Gentile nations, as they themselves are so proud of. They preach hardship as if it is a virtue, not a punishment. This helps people give up their will to fight for the freedom of humanity, while psychically helping joke-hova to enslave the planet. Every hour wasted in field circus, every boasting session attended, every Israel mission accomplished helps in this area. Those going to the 2016 Grand Boasting Session or the 2015 (or 2017) Israel mission donated much psychic energy to this cause, as is blatant with the theme of last year's abomination.

    Hence, they are asking all to attend the 2017 Grand Boasting Session and do the two-week waste of money and time in Israel to donate the energy for those microchips to be imposed on us all. You go, you are helping to enslave the planet.

  • Phoebe

    Hi everyone,

    I just want to say a massive thank you to you all for your lovely words and advice and if I could hug you all, I would.

    I have been so scared I was doing the wrong thing leaving the WT after being in it for so long, but you have made me see I am doing the right thing and you have no idea how much that has helped me.

    I know it won't be easy but I'll get through it. You are such a lovely group of people. I feel privileged to be part of this.

    A huge heartfelt thank you to you all.


  • Vidiot

    "Some people are saying this is out last convention before a global attack on witnesses."

    Gosh, I hope so... :smirk:

  • berrygerry

    Fast forward to 2017. There have been how many, 8-9 more Star Wars movies since then ? Try not to let their ignorant chatter derail your life. your too important!

    And a great-looking one coming out in December.

  • berrygerry

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