How old were you when you got Baptised?

by El Kabong 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • what-now?

    13--Because all my friends were doin' it! There were 4 of us girls (I was youngest) who got baptised at the same time. Oh, the joy in the room. Ha Ha.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    I was 17

  • Kenneson

    I was 14 and was baptized against my father's wishes. I was rebelling. Now I wish I had listened.

  • drwtsn32


    The real reason I got baptized is because my younger sister (11 at the time) was getting baptized. I couldn't let my younger sister get baptized before me! So we got dipped at the same time.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    15. That was a long time ago.

  • Reborn2002

    I was 12 years old.

    Anyone notice a pattern here? Jesus (a fictional character in my opinion, but if one was to believe in Christianity, then play along) was allegedly 30 years old when he was baptized, and Witnesses admonish people to imitate Jesus. Yet Dubs have no problem ensnaring kids into going underwater before they even know what they are getting themselves into. Why? To fit in, to be accepted, and to be allowed to associate with other witness kids.

    They preach from the platform to wait past the "bloom of youth" for getting married to avoid giving into sexual temptations as the sole purpose for nuptials, but for what is supposedly the most important decision of a lifetime, they rush them in as minors.

    How hypocritical. Then again EVERYTHING about Jehovah's Witlesses is hypocritical, self-serving, and ass backwards.

  • cruzanheart



  • drwtsn32
    was allegedly 30 years old when he was baptized

    Excellent point... I never thought of that before.

  • greven


    I was already having serious doubts and I considered this step more or less a final test. Since nothing changed I launched into a thourough investigation of this religion and the bible.

    BTW folks they have babtised children of age 6! And they say it is the most important step one takes in life, even more important then say marriage. Think about it! Would they let their six year old date for example? No! But the most important decision is taking at an age one can barely comprehend the meaning of it all.


  • yxl1

    16 - to please my mum

    I cant believe they let cruzanheart take the plunge while only 9

    I've heard people on this site mention that it is illiegal to enter a contract like baptism while still a minor, therefore we can't be DF/DA because we were never legally associated. Anyone got any info?

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