Spells, Wiccans, and Witchcraft

by SpunkyChick 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cat1759

    This is serious to feel so condemned by these people that you want retribution.

    Now take that energy and use it wisely.

    Never cast a spell without full knowledge of what you are doing and stirring up on the other side.

    The best book to read tells about it all. How to cast and how to only achieve the highest energy. You don't want wanker spirits to plague you after, do you?

    The book is an excellent source to read and I have read most of them.

    Also remember one thing, what you cast comes back threefold. So if you cast be prepared to recieve the same or worse back threefold.

    Modern Magick Second Edition, Author:Donald Michael Kraig

    It costs 17.95 or you can find it on ebay sometims. The best book, even beats the Golden Dawn edition. He takes it all down, breaks it all and explains it all. Including sex Magick. Nothing was left out.

    After learning you will realize there is a higher vibration and that most times we want what is good. So mote it be.

    Karma will be something those people will have to face at one point in their lives and you can sit back and watch knowing you didn't have a hand in it at all.

    Might take years but it makes it all the more sweeter.


  • SpunkyChick

    Thank you all for your replies. I do appreciate all of your suggestions....From the sound of things I will just let karma come their way and not mess with a curse on them. It felt great to talk about it and get it off my cheast! Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and suggestions!

  • lawrence

    After a "spell" of time in Covington, Louisiana with a witch I began calling myself ShamanMojo and got deep into the occult, as well as spells. I was choked one night by spirits and had to bust through a window (100+ stitches) to get air. I was playing with the band The Voodoo Screamers and was spending much time in Belize with other shaman swirling, dancing, and casting spells, until a few occurred as designed and I realized how far I had gone from the Love of the Christ. A man on this forum Friday sent me a PM and called me an "idiot moron" as well as other things and my first impulse was to send him a PM replete with "you won't walk in the morning and your tongue will palsy and never construct another word." I decided instead to ignore the man. Then I was going to ask his address and offer him a kick boxing session (only 1 would be necessary). Lord forgive me. Czar, I used to send mackerels in the mail, not pig heads. Phone calls in Aramaic casting down evil were a calling card. From experience, it's not the place to go, and I wish I had never ventured into those "zones."

    peace and blessings,


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Or something bad will happen to them without any spell or curse? Just curious how you'd view that...

    My personal take on this, is that the biggest "curse" that people like that can have is just being themselves. Negative nasty people fill their lives with negative, nasty energy. If you 'curse' them, there is a chance you will be involving them in your lives even more. Most I know believe curses bind the curser and the cursee somehow. Better to get farther away than closer. You can't fling tar and feathers without some of it getting stuck on you.

    The most I have done is do rituals, etc, designed to "reflect" their nastiness back onto them, and not affect you (use mirrors and teflon ). Make up your own (such things are best when they work with your own ideas)...the best "spells" or "workings" or whatever you refer to them as, use signals to your own subconscious rather than 'recipes' out of a book that mean something to someone else. Visualize your home as having a "mirrored bubble" around it, that will allow only pleasant things in and reflect nasty thoughts etc back at the sender. Do fun and inventive things in a ritual. You'll feel better. If you have to be around them again (may I suggest a motel for next time?), do a ritual where you use some sort of reflective jewelry or something, to do the same thing. (edited to add...and then wear the jewelry the whole time you are in their company)

    I have, in extreme circumstances, asked the "powers that be" (PTB) to turn their attention to people who have really done awful things and should be punished (one pagan group I know did a ritual in which they "shined a light" on an unknown murderer to try to bring them to justice...it was really recent so the case is still ongoing). There are goddesses who specialize in retribution, you know. For instance, the Hindu goddess Kali has a reputation for seriously disliking men who abuse women. The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet (the lioness) is another protector/destroyer. But I wouldn't in a million years mess with them over something as minor (even tho annoying) as your family pissing you off. Things like that must be handled very carefully and delicately.

    If they upset you and anger you so much, why focus on them even more? Point karma, or the PTB, or "the universe" in their direction and wipe your hands of it. Certainly the best outcome for you would be not having them affect your life anymore. Which reminds me...when you do a ritual, you then have to 'act in accord'...so women who do rituals to remove abusive men from their lives and then turn around and let them back in their house, for example, are not likely to achieve great success in their ritual.

  • SixofNine

    While there are some very nice believers in this thread, and a couple of not-so-nice believers, SpunkyChick, please put me down as one who doesn't believe that anyone on this thread can do any of the things they say they can, supernaturally speaking.

    Think about, these peoples lives would be sooo far advanced, if they had any real power. You may as well think you're one of the "annointed".

    Don't mistake their sincerity for rational belief.

  • lawrence

    So wrong sixofnine- so wrong. Matter of fact, lawrence has left and ShamanMojo has returned! Dig the VooDoo Screamers (mp3.com).

  • SixofNine

    Well Lawrence, we disagree. Unfortunately, while all this should be easy to verify, it is in fact impossible to verify. If the deep religious doodoo works it's voodoo foryoo, then good onya, I'm just glad not to need it. See I can pet a beautiful kitty and not think, geepers Bob, I bet the Lord would like this one for a sacrifice .

    Six~ crucified pussy class

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    If the deep religious doodoo works it's voodoo foryoo, then good onya, I'm just glad not to need it.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking we are all 'blind believers' in superstitious mumbo-jumbo. People who are deeper into theoretical physics than I, believe that all matter is energy, and that it is possible for energy to affect other energy. Perhaps it works, perhaps it only works on a psychological level. I don't bother to invest much energy in defending my spiritual practice, which is a very agnostic form of paganism. It improves the quality of my life, and that is all that is necessary.

    The person who started this thread asked a question, the content of which I answered as briefly as possible while being thorough. I doubt it is necessary to turn the thread into the pros and cons of wicca, witchcraft and other types of 'spellwork.'

    See I can pet a beautiful kitty and not think, geepers Bob, I bet the Lord would like this one for a sacrifice .

    Even as a rather crude joke, I find that not amusing on so many levels.

  • SixofNine

    hmmm, it was a joke, but it's not at all crude. Not that I care what you find amusing, as I haven't really ever seen anything that tells me you have any sense of humor, especially about yourself.

    People who are deeper into theoretical physics than I, believe that all matter is energy, and that it is possible for energy to affect other energy.

    And this relates how? So now witchcraft is a science?

    It improves the quality of my life, and that is all that is necessary.

    Good for you in regards the quality of your life. Is, "and that is all that is necessary" your way of telling me to shut the fuck up about it?
  • lawrence

    SixofNine, who is we? The leakers, the moaners, the wankers, the whimpers, the drippers, who is we? As a man who studies physics, there is more power than any of your nihilistic gatherers understand; "Beware who thinks he is standing..."

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