as far as i understood history an stuff ive seen on witches
the name wicca/wicce (m/f) was pronouced witcha in anglo saxon not wikka which is the modern way of saying it. from anglo saxon witcha you get the word witch ...the name witch was generally used by the church ,the holy rollers and even the early and later medical proffesion , to label any herbal practioner ,midwife and any prosumptious woman evil etc etc because
1) they were jealous ,
2) they were in charge abit like the WTS
3) illness was suppose to be a judgement from god so to heal it ment you must be on satans side which is where it got its black satanic link from.
4) to be anything but a groveling christian must mean your on satans side
i dont know anything for satanic witch craft i think thats just buying in to the churchy later historical perspective ,hollywood ,anton levey,and that other bloke known as the beast (i cant remeber his name ) and all that codswollap . the beast who really did do some bad stuff including killing ppl bought in to the same codswallop and wrecked his own life as he later admitted not long before he died didnt stop him though.
if theres any power out there im pretty sure its not at the beck and call of disaffected ppl looking for excitement in their life.
the only ppl that do bother me is a group whose name i dont know but ive heard of them via a bloke who did a radio interview trying to warn ppl .
they belive in satan not as devil worshippers do but as a real being who only has a short time to do as much damage as possible . to have revenge on humnas while he has time.(thats about the gist of it, i take it its a satan thing )
thier job apparently is to cut of as many ppl as possible from the light.ive heard they live like you and me nice ordinary everyday ppl with kids who get into your life and do what ever it takes to cause you to commit gross that you cause your own down fall.
the reason they are scary is .there are ppl out there worming thier way in to ppls homes ..holding childrens parties inviting your kids over becoming your best friends etc etc that is weird. to me and scary .you dont need magic with those ppl just a will to wreck lives,that to me is real evil.