like I said I don’t “need” to argue anything about it and I would not even compare the LDS to Jews.
A better comparison would be for example:
A new religion has been established and recognized by the government as "a religion" and they call themselves, “Gods Witnesses”.
They go from door to door preaching about good news and worship a God named Jehovah.
They believe in Armageddon and a new system where people will live forever on earth in a paradise and there will be 144,000 rulers over this paradise with gods son whose name is Jesus Christ. They believe Jesus Christ is also Michael the Arch Angle.
They believe that Gods son Jesus returned in 1914.
They believe we are living in the last days.
They believe only 144,000 people will be resurrected to heaven and the rest who have died will be resurrected to an earthly life in “the New System of things” and they will be perfect humans and live forever.
They are not to be confused with “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. They do not meet three times a week in “Kingdom Halls”, but they instead meet three times a week in “Truth Yards”
They base their faith on what is written in the Old Testament and a New World Translation of the Greek Scriptures written by The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. But they are not "Jehovah's Witnesses"
They’re faith and beliefs and practices are only 10 years old. Most "Gods Witnesses" accept this and completely believe this. Just ask them.
All "modern" day Wiccan’s in North America are, are young offshoots of an old craft/art/religion/faith/belief/ etc. True, various branches of "modern" North Americans want to believe they have "New Light" or even something unique and that is fine and dandy but the fact of the matter is they have done nothing more then tag along and adopt something as old as rocks. To deny that is of no importance one way or the other. Many do protest because they want to be unique unto themselves. That is fine.
If you cared to do some actual research and dig deep enough you might find it easier to understand. Just accepting what "young whipper-snappers" tell you is not research. Nor is simply reading a few books that some have written on the subject "research" plum