I find it interesting that you chose to assume my motives for why I made my comments.
My scepticism of the claims made is based on the other claims that the US Govt has made regarding this war. They still haven't found any WOMD have they? And what about the fairy story that was created regarding Jessica Lynch? It now comes out that her rifle never fired a shot, and her injuries came about from a car accident. And you want me to accept without question everything that comes out of the mouths of the US Govt's spin doctors?
Also, my questioning has nothing to do with the administration. I am entitled to question any leader who makes grandiose claims. Yeru, one of the freedoms that you fight for as a soldier of the US Army, is the freedom of speech. This means that people have the freedom to question what their leaders say, rather than being in a dictatorship where we have to accept whatever the Governing Body, oops I mean, the political leaders tell us.
As a soldier, you have to accept orders without question. However, us civilians are free to question unfounded claims from the higher ups. I may not be an American citizen, but Australia is an ally of the American-British alliance, so I think I have the right to make comment on what is happening in wars in which our countries are involved.