hmmm ...
Bush doesn't want to admit he is into another Vietnam.
Based on the shortness of this event - we are only in week 11, I don't think you can go there quite yet.
If memory serves, the US and its allies still took two to three years to get Germany to calm down after WW 2 offically ended in 1945 - something few seem to want to discuss when arguing over this Gulf war.
If memory serves to, the Russians funded the war effort of "Charlie" too. That is really not happening at a substantial level in Iraq and should actually fall by the way side big time with the killageof the sons - unlike what the Russians did by intesting billions of arms and money for North Vietnam.
I think there are different circumstances here than Vietnam. Much different. And of course much more killage of American troops happened in the 1960s early 1970s.
Keep in mind I was and still am a little unsure over the Americans going to war - but that debate ended when the first bomb hit the palace.
Once the war started, it was important, at least for me, to back the troops and the Administration in the effort - and I really don't care if it was a conservative or liberal president doing the fighting. I am proud of the troops accomplishment to this point and I think over time things will settle down as they have in the southern part of Iraq.