Another recorded Judicial Meeting...

by NikL 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy

    I spoke to an elder and friend about The Who is your mediator subject. I had prepare a 14 page document showing exactly via the Bible that Jesus was the mediator for all . I thought he was there to show me where I was wrong and correct me. Well in all reality yes but he barely looked over the document. After several meetings I came to the conclusion that he was also on a fishing trip to see if I was being influenced by apostates etc.

    second meeting him him and another one contacted me over the blood issue , my wife had called them. They informed me that I could just leave the religion not a big deal one of them had done it when he stopped being a Baptist.

    Bottom line they don't care about the one lost sheep just protecting themselves and other in the congregation from using their brains.

  • ToesUp

    Just more proof of how the Eldurs have the noose tied and ready but just need to kick the chair out from under you to finish you off. We have had an Eldur with his noose tied but we won't allow him to kick the chair out. He's pissed. He won't be happy until we are hanging.

    The up side of this JC recording is there is now 5 people that are out. Those kids will be better off for it.

  • ToesUp

    If this couple ever comes on this site, I would like to let them know how I absolutely loved how the took out their DA letters and walked out. Good for you. Now...go enjoy your life and raise your kids like good hardworking people in the normal world do. If your family shuns you, it is their loss, not yours.

  • Nevuela

    Steel Can someone give me the readers digest version? I will get too angry if I actually listen to it.

    Same here! I can only read stuff like that because I need to be able to process it at my own speed and without the bias of vocal tones, facial expressions, etc.

  • Listener

    Crazy guy, is your mediator document on the internet?

  • Finkelstein

    The JWS motto is .... " GB first before Jesus Christ "

  • Crazyguy

    Listener, I put a lot of it under a thread I started with the title "Proper understanding of the mediator and the New covenant" not sure how to past links on my phone.

  • Listener

    Looks like I've got a lot of interesting reading to do.

    Thanks Crazyguy,

  • biblexaminer

    I thought it very interesting to hear how the elder, in finalizing his accusation of "apostasy", refers to the Biblical account where the false religious leaders accused Paul of apostasy.

    The foundation of the accusation of apostasy then is based on the accusation by the false religious vipers who accused Paul of wrongdoing.

    They were saying that just as Paul was an apostate, so are you.

    Interesting indeed.

    They paralleled their own actions alongside the children of Satan who both accused Paul and slew our Lord on Golgotha.

  • Crazyguy

    It's also interesting they used the term "the customs of those people" so since the custom of the JWs is to do this or do that then you have to do the same. Wasn't it the custom of the Jews to practice the old mosaic law, get circumcised, and blindly follow the religious leaders of thier time even to the point of killing the Son of God?

    These elders are good at twisting things.

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