Here is something to ponder: Why is terrorism perpetrated by Muslims (or potentially perpetraded by Muslims) in Canada recieving so much more attention and concern on this thread than terrorism perpetrated by right-wing terrorists?
The number of people and frequency of attacks by Muslims is simply overwhelmingly higher and most significantly, the government is actively protecting the terrorists interests. That means they want to make it a crime to criticize the hateful teachings of Islam and make is a special protected class.
The lazy, loony left does this because they cannot convince people to vote for them, they have to pay them. Payment is made in the form of money to some and influence with others. The liberals want the muslim block vote so they pander to them. Trudeau visits mosques that preach hate and death and a diatribe of anti-semitism. Imagine if any conservative visited a church that preached KKK values?
Why no outcry? Because the main-stream media are also complicit in the crime and fail in their responsibility (but then in Canada they are government run and funded ... so what do people expect?)
The number of attacks on Muslims has been much smaller than vice-versa and yet to watch the media here, you'd think the attack on the Mosque was the only thing that has ever happened.
Also, after every hoax attack claim by Muslims, they then claim Islamophobia because of it. Anything that happens and they claim victimhood and use it as an excuse to push for laws that favour their religion only.