dear OnTheWayOut...
The bible is inarguably considered to be the holy text of christians and jews. It's not the holy text of any other religions.
I'm not arguing the fact that some people lift certain elements of the text to supplement their own "texts". Clearly mohammad did, the bahais did it, Hanged Man did it, it happens. At this point, I'm wondering why you think I shouldn't be giving priority to the theology that is obviously contained in the text. That being, jewish and christian?
Thank you. I am aware that there are CERTAIN scriptures that are controversial as to who they are referencing, within both the jewish and christian theologies. I'm the one that drew attention to the fact that there is that to consider as far as the prophecy of isaiah 53 is concerned. Not every OT text is contriversial, however, the two portions I cited are considered (by both jews and christians) to be referring to A messianic figure. There is no dispute there. The christians believe that messianic figure to be Jesus. The jews believe that it was not Jesus but someone else who has YET to be revealed. Again, there is NO controversy as to the fact that the text is talking about an individual messianic figure. There is no controversy as to what those 2 portions in isaiah I cited far as the messianic figure being a light (someone who illuminates the masses) and as far as the messianic figure causing the gentiles/nations to turn to the God of the OT. To my knowledge both jews and christians believe it is only ONE messianic figure that will accomplish these two tasks.
My argument is for the fact that both of those tasks were indeed accomplished by Jesus almost 2000 years ago. The prophecy has been fulfilled in Jesus even if the jews don't accept it.
If you're at all interested in knowing why the jews don't accept it, I can tell you but it has to be understood I'm not preaching to you, just laying down the facts from a biblical perspective. reason for believing the 2 portions of scripture I cited can only point to Jesus is simple and logical. He was the first to cross the finish line according to those established rules. (Isaiah 9:1-2; isaiah 52:13-15)
love michelle