Sevan, you have a PM.
Seeking support ... Where can a Christian go
by Sevan 83 Replies latest jw friends
Iown Mylife,
Yes, I agree that I have been very supported here and thank you for your thoughts.
I posted, not because of anything said to me personally, but because I was feeling unwelcome after reading some of the threads of Atheism. I read those threads to try to understand the Atheistic viewpoint. The threads did help me to understand Atheism better, however I felt disturbed at the vitriol and insults on the threads that I saw thrown at believers by some of the posters.
One person gave me the advice just to avoid those threads will I'm still feeling sensitive and disoriented. That is the best advice I think at this point.
I just left a month ago and I am not ready to challenge my faith in that way at this point. Just trying to process all my emotions.
No no Sevan, you don't get to decide when you're ready, the atheist brigade will make sure you don't have time. You will be challenged and if you can't handle it, they will beat their chests in victory. Just like as JWs, the most important thing is that you know deep down they're right even if you're reeling and not ready for that part. You made the mistake of thinking you knew what was best for you, but there are a few select people here that know that better than you.
I ended up on the atheist/agnostic side of things because I refused to engage in Bible discussions here but took my time and evaluated things on my own, taking things into consideration that I read here and elsewhere. Had I been pounced on reminiscent of my dub days when "worldly" people would gang up and try to take down the dub, I would have been forced deeper into my faith to ward off what I wasn't ready for. You don't get that chance here. The flogging will continue until morale improves.
This whole thing is a process. Give your time and attention to those worthy of it and ignore the rest until you're ready. Preying on the weak who have just had their world shattered is what the dubs do.
When I first left the JWs, Sevan, I didn't set out to become an atheist. Atheist was like a swear word when I was growing up. Only horrible, terrible people were atheists! Never mind that I'd stopped praying when I was ten. I figured it was the Witness god I didn't like and I'd have no problem embracing god once I found the one true religion. So I started my journey. I've read the Bible (big mistake!), the Quran, books about Buddhism and Judaism and a lot of other 'isms. At the same time, I was reading books on ancient history and science. I found that science made more sense to me. And then it hit me. "Holy cow! I'm an atheist!" That was a few years after I left the Witnesses.
Your journey is just starting. Not everyone follows the same path or reaches the same destination. Sometimes where we end up isn't where we expected to be. You won't necessarily lose your faith along the way, and that's ok. Take it slow. Do your research. You'll be okay, no matter where your road takes you. Best of luck.
Introvert 2
You have PM Sevan !
atomant, I will PM with some experiences when I get a little time.
Giles Gray
Sevan-"Giles Gray, the concept that everything, in all its wonder and complexity, just got here by chance, does not and cannot make rational sense to me. That scripture about every house having a builder really hits home for me, especially when you consider that the natural world and universe is far more complex and awe-inspiring than any house."
Just because an alternative concept doesn't seem to be rational doesn't automatically prove the one you hold dear is anymore rational either. Both could be wrong.
If both concepts have inconsistencies then it would be irrational and illogical to claim you could never be shaken from the one you are most familiar with, just because you've believed it longer.
The only rational approach would be to consider both concepts objectivly. You can't achieve that by holding a bias towards a cherished concept. If that concept proves incorrect then so will be your conclusions. It would also demonstrate a lack of open mindedness.
Giles Gray,
You are right in saying that my current concepts of God may be wrong. There are non-tangible reasons for my faith that cannot be described or explained with logic or science. To me, God just is. He is very real to me, even if I may not have all the details correct.
I do want to learn more about evolution, history, atheism, theism and many other topics. While those that know me consider me very well-educated, I fully accept that there are many areas that I could educate myself more thoroughly. I fully accept that some of the things I currently believe may be wrong.
I have a lot of research to do.
Liking the new avatar.
cofty, you have personally attacked me by calling me dishonest when your claims of this were unsubstantiated. You refuse to accept we have different conclusions. Attacking people is subjective. If someone feels attacked by you. You attacked them. The rest is semantics.`
Kate - If you can't tell the difference between a personal attack and criticism of ideas then how can I explain it to you? I have never attacked you or any other believer. Why would I? I have evidence on my side.`Cofty, You have avoided the point. Did you call me dishonest? Is it substantiated? Making unsubstantiated allegations is attacking someone. My view of attacking people is different from yours. Your evidence does not back up your conclusions my evidence backs up my conclusions. You have not been able to refute my evidence.
Kate xx