Thoughts on Leah Remini JW A&E special ...

by _Morpheus 138 Replies latest members private

  • Finkelstein

    Yes they did bring out how and what happens to people who have been disfelloowshipped and the relationship to their still in family and other associated JWS/friends.

  • Finkelstein

    The Dfiing arrangement within the JWS religion is similar to how Scientologist to treat members who become vocally oppose to the organization in what they say and do .

    This is one of the reasons which sparked Leah's attention to the JWS and her endeavor to expose this human tragedy.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I see another episode of A&E Jehovah's Witnesses on the horizon.

    An additional approach would be to interview married exJW couples who have exited successfully...there are tons of couples out there who have a lot of war stories to tell. Happy Ex JW couples is the last thing WT wants on any A&E episode.

  • Moster

    OrpahCrow; "You may get away with that comment if you were speaking about JWs from Alberta.."

    Dang near spit out my lunch! Careful some may resemble that remark!

  • Dagney

    Finally I was able to watch some bits this morning with the help of some peeps on FB. Well, done, winced at Lloyd's comment in the beginning about a woman being in charge, but they corrected him pronto, lol, not so funny after all.

    The stories were nicely told, the clips of the GB stating the dogma out of their own mouths is very effective in confirming this batsh*t crazy religion.

    I'm thinking about this conversation regarding the personal choice and influence/control. It takes moral fortitude to take a stand against all you know, to not shun, to go with your heart and standards, to live life on your own terms. Most don't really want to leave their "shiny" lives, and lose the hope of a pet tiger.

  • NewYork44M

    I am watching now on a link sent through Facebook. Is all I can say is WOW!.

    The producers did a great job. Thank you.

  • Moster

    arwen - so sorry for your pain.

  • steve2

    Thanks Morpheus - appreciate your comments throughout. 👏👏👏

  • TerryWalstrom
  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    My young children ages 17-21, who have never seen any JW broadcasts, declared that those clips of GB members or their helpers reminded them of the cammed overlords of the districts in The Hunger Games, and that no rational thinking young JW would stick around any longer than they had to.

    That fits in with Pew research.

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