Thoughts on Leah Remini JW A&E special ...

by _Morpheus 138 Replies latest members private

  • flipper

    I thought the show was done extremely well . All the Ex-jw's were honest, to the point and expressed themselves with dignity and class , while still exposing the WT Society with facts, experiences, and truth. They did a great job, and Leah & Mike did a great job in allowing these ex-JW's to express themselves without interrupting them.

    I hope Leah & Mike do another show exposing the WT Society in the future. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Pistoff

    I finished watching it this morning.

    Fuck me, it was brutal.

    I can't see how it could have done any better describing what it is like to be in, and then out.

    I have 2 adult children who both attempted suicide over 'truth' issues, one still disfellowshipped, shunned by his extended family (grandfather, grandmother; one grandma did not shun him, and my wife and his siblings do not shun him.)

    I know he is still scarred, despite my and my wife's acceptance of him, and years of therapy.

    I am not officially out or shunned, but have not attended since learning about the sex abuse scandal in 2002.

    Still, the emotional reality of the ex-members in that show was just an absolute kick in the stomach for me.

  • Della Street
    Della Street
    True, no one is holding a gun to a JW's head, but WT has conditioned JWs to believe the GB are God's representatives so anything the GB say, require or demand, actually is required by God.

    I don't this/don't do this or you will be cut off from everyone you know and die at Armageddon...I'd call that a big f*king gun. As someone who is a 4th Generation born-in, I can attest to the social pressure, and how difficult it is to leave everyone you've known in your whole life. I'm a strong person. It almost killed me. So, yeah, it's a gun. A forced choice is not a choice.

  • NewYork44M

    The professionalism of the show came through. There were no exaggerated "facts" and the participants were professional and could never be accused of being "crazy apostates." It would be difficult, if not impossible, for someone to say this was just "lies."

    Well done! Well done! Well done!

  • sparky1

    The ex-Witness participants were cool, calm, collected, convincing, compelling, consistent and credible. All in all, from my vantage point, they were the Governing Body's worst nightmare come to life.

  • Ding

    It was gut wrenching to hear their stories and see the pain in their faces.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    So I finally got to see this. I had more an emotional response than I thought I would. I loved the quotes from both publications, their broadcast as well as recordings from RCs. I thought all the participants did a good job explaining things and while I saw one or two things that were slightly off, it was very credible. Obviously, the participants experiences were extreme, but I can tell you as a born-in that I've observed situations (thankfully never personally experienced that degree) that were very similar so I know they are credible.

    A couple of comments that really reached me. Them talking about being so alone at school, having to sit out parties in the hall or in the library or principal's office. Being isolated from my classmates thinking they were going to die soon. Also, one gentleman saying that he had a big dining room table but no family so he had to be the tree trunk for his new family. That brought tears to my eyes as so many of you are shunned. And, I'd be shunned too if my family knew my real thoughts.

    Is it going to wake up most JWs? No. But the more the truth (the real truth) about this cult makes it to the average person, the less likely some other family will get destroyed.

    I think they did a great job in covering all the hot buttons on what makes the religion a cult. Certainly not as violent or as crazy as Scientology but a cult all the same.

  • Scully

    WTF was Stephen Lett doing with his Silver Sword™? He looked like he was using a Ouija board.

  • nugget

    I loved the program particularly the direct quotes and video footage which often contradicts their usual press statements. I was crying by the end the sadness of some of the contributors was compelling. A measured program that resisted sensationalism for integrity. Many JWs will not have watched but it certainly educated the audience.

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