It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Look who's doing cart witnessing all over again...

  • DerekMoors

    Who is he to talk about evasion and deception?

    And you know he'll just start going on about how his activism is the only right way to do things, criticizing "aggressive" protests while basically doing a one-on-one protest. I mean, which is worse, standing off to the side holding a sign or confronting someone directly and putting them on the defensive?

    Besides, what does he think he's going to accomplish here, wake people up individually? We already know the WT uses double talk and lies so why go undercover with one JW at a time? Just pointless soundbites to use as fodder for his YT channel.

  • Vintage

    I don't think that Evans will ever reclaim his former fame. He.lost his momentum and he lost his inside sources. We've all learned to use a camera during these past ten years. More JWs have left Watchtower, and they know how to use a camera and speak just as well, or better, than LE. Did he really think that his exjw videos would support him financially right on into old age?

  • DerekMoors
    Did he really think that his exjw videos would support him financially right on into old age?

    I'm sure he thought he'd branch out into debunking religions like Scientology and Mormonism and then more mainstream religions, while becoming this great atheist philosopher (again, saying that as a fellow atheist).

    He pictures himself on the same plane as Richard Dawkins and probably thought he'd be on the news whenever someone needs a comment about religion, doing talk shows and podcasts, sharing his great righteous wisdom, selling his books, growing his YouTube channel into millions of subscribers, everyone admiring him for how smart he is (because no one else has ever figured out that the flood of Noah's day just isn't logical... thank you Lloyd for Lloydsplaining that to us children).

    You can tell he really thought he would take off as a brand onto himself, he literally wears t-shirts with stupid slogans from his channel. "Tibor is Gracious." WTF? What person walking down the street would have any clue what that means, or care?

    it rarely occurs to fame-hungry narcissists like him that there is any end game or shelf life for them. They really think they'll just keep getting bigger and bigger.

    P.S. I think I'm going to start signing my posts the way he did, just because it was so obnoxious it makes me laugh. You're welcome.


  • slimboyfat

    The signing the name at the end thing … I think there was a time when the forum allowed you to choose a sign-off name thing for the end of your posts that added automatically, so it might be an echo of that. Some of us used to style ourselves as being of a certain “class” the way that Watchtower had “anointed class”, “John class”, “other sheep class”, and so on. Some would declare themselves of “the evil slave class”, a term Watchtower has since demoted. Or we would make up our own: “slimboyfat of the ‘my Watchtower is always underlined’ class”, and so on.

  • TonusOH
    DerekMoors: Who is he to talk about evasion and deception?

    An expert in both fields!

    Not sure about the respectful part. "Revealing" definitely applies, after his confession video.

  • Diogenesister
    Tibor is Gracious." WTF? What person walking down the street would have any clue what that means, or care?

    Oh don't 😂I mean I get it's a signal for Tibor to insert a link when he edits, but "gracious"???!! Really? More like 'If Tibor is a donut' he'll allow Cedar's to forever associate his name with the most lame catchphrase in history!!

    It's funny, when it started quite a few of us had the temerity to gently point out that saying it made him sound like a prize numpty 😱 That didn't go over too well with the Old Bedswerver, as you can imagine!!😂😂

  • Toblerone5

    that's weird. on his Youtube show more? you can see this Visit my websites: ,is it just me both of them don't work anymore? we all knew about jwwatch .some made post about that on this site but now the book one also ? unless it's just me? and I did check , yes you can still buy his book on amazon...

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @Toblerone5 both are down for me too...

  • Toblerone5

    Another weird things...on is T-Shirt store .the reluctant apostate , his selling all those Merch...l.o.l. "Houston we have a problem" ?

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