It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Possible that they tried to contact him but he always refuted to meet until it was no longer possible and a DA was on the plate. But he never mentions this

    He doesn’t mention it because per his account it didn’t happen like that. His mother-in-law was notified at the KH that they were looking to talk to Lloyd almost 2 months after his article came out. The phone rang and he was expecting it. Bob/Marko asked for Dijana to translate but she refused. At length Lloyd got on the phone and spoke directly with Bob/Marko. In his broken English he told him he knew about the website. Lloyd played coy about it and was more concerned that the two elders he did not like who were getting into their business were not involved as a pre-condition to meeting Marko and this was agreed upon. But Lloyd had no clue who they were calling in to be on the JC besides Marko. He stated just as much. He also doesn’t tell how he knew a Branch rep would be there. Marko could barely speak English. My father was an elder and that’s about how close I ever got to it but correct me if I am wrong, elders don’t divulge that kind of information, especially something as huge as a Branch Rep coming down to see him from Zagreb. Lloyd didn’t want Tom or Dean there - OK. But why prepare a man who runs an apostate website who was blabbering all over FB and YT about going to a JC for a date with a Branch Rep?

    This is what makes his specific admission in that FB post about not wanting to alienate Marko and the other unnamed phantom elder they were supposedly friendly with markedly suspect. And that was the reason not to record the JC? Please. He just gave the game away. That is demonstrably false. It’s the behaviour of a habitual liar who had something to hide from the audience. He had already blabbed to the public in his coming out article about his problem with sexting and chat rooms so that was not what he was hiding. The public knew that story and so did the elders who read the blog.

    Was his unprovoked admission to chat rooms, porn, and sexting just a red herring to place instead of the real story?

    He didn’t bother to compare the false story he told in the JWS article with the equally false story he told in TRA, and that’s how a liar gets caught. And we’re still going off of his version of events which has gotten us nowhere nearer to the truth.

    didn't want to spoil any relations in case they wake up and for this reason he didn't want to record the JC.

    I guess he doesn’t care about the JW’s he is filming and putting online recently. If they wake up and hate him, monetizing is more important 👍


    Well there you go, seems the enforcer knew Lloyd even back then… that why he got so mad? Truth hurts?


    Has anyone else publicly declared why they did or did not record their JC? Anyone? …… I’ll wait… I read back through all these old posts that are being put up on JWN I can’t help but wonder at what point Lloyd decided things were “none of our business”….. seriously, think about that….because he sure as F%*€ used to share some personal stuff ….. shit that people actually probably didn’t need to know…..

    And - it is my understanding that Lloyd “walked the plank” and disassociated as he knew he was going to be disfellowshipped. That’s said, the more I learn the more I realise that none of us know this man.

    All I do know is that I hate him taking advantage of vulnerable people and his lack of genuine care for this community.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….if he had to go and get a job because his grift wasn’t supporting him, how many videos do you think he would put out? What activism work would he do?

    Lloyd has said previously that he shouldn’t be expected to do this work for free. Ok, that’s his opinion. Others do it for free or a few dollars as money …. I guess there lays the difference of peoples intentions….

  • Vintage

    What's a DA?

    What's a DA?

    Disassociation 👍

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    From his 27 December 2013 FB post:

    I don’t wish to criticise those who have gone through this hurdle to get their JC recorded, but it just isn’t my style. Sorry. My lie gets captured on YouTube forever, to be watched potentially by my children, and I would just rather not risk sullying my work with dishonesty just for the sake of extra views on YouTube.

    And he was supposedly “worried” about a little white lie he’d tell the elders that literally no one in the exJW community would have held against him. Tell 2013 Lloyd what info is out about him in 2023 and you’ll understand why he’s so irate at the whole thing and won’t watch the Selters video due to PTSD.

    It just struck me. This is a man who had always gotten away with everything, from his JW childhood to January 2022. He had his elder dad cover for him whenever he fucked up, cheated on his wife for all 15 years of his marriage only for her to give him two children and remain loyal, moved to an impoverished country where even a bilingual college grad like Tibor can’t find a job, bootlegs COC and has people cheering him on and here he is - can’t even speak the damn language and at one point earned more than a surgeon would in Croatia.

    It finally all caught up to him. It’s why he crashed so hard, always thinking the worst was behind him and he’d be back and stronger.

    No wonder he called 2022 the worst year of his life. Never has he ever had to suffer the consequences for his misbehaviour and he just can’t bear to face them.

    Never has he ever had to face the consequences and he just can’t bear to face them.


  • Vintage

    Lloyd reads this, scratches his head, and asks, "There are consequences?"

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @ Toblerone5 🤣🤣🤣 ....the barrel studio 🤣🤣🤣

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