Agree Simon that's why there seems to be such defining polarization of political ideologies in the US, either your positioned far right or you have to be identify as being far left.
Trump hit the sensitive button with a lot of people, that the Democratic party was ineffective with building up the economy in rural America.
You can thank the Republican held Congress for stopping Obama's policies toward building up the nation's infrastructure.
The political environment in Washington is very much about which party is winning and which party is losing, irregardless if the outside population is losing.
Unfortunately the voters missed or couldn't read between the lines of his political agenda that when he proclaimed " Lets Make America Great Again "
What he really was saying " Lets Make Business Great in America Again "
Lets make it easy for the rich bushiness elite to prosper, you know like the people who join his exclusively private Golf clubs and resorts for the top 1% of the population.
You have to be an ignorant fool to not realizise that he would try to support his own business ventures and those potential customers to those established business.