Unreal !!!!!!!!!!! what's next ??????
I can't believe Amazon.com is selling this trash.
by JeffT 71 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
A quick look at "The Sun"web page will show you that it is a particularly "Tabloid" type of paper and I would not trust its objectivity or commitment to tell the truth.
However , If things are as they seem
Amazon chiefs refuse to drop it, saying: “People have the right to choose their own material.”
That is scandalous. One can, by their logic, peddle porn or hate filled philosophy under the guise of free speech , and make profit of course....Boycot em!
The response I received from Amazon was about the same...they consider it "censorship" if they don't carry this. Apparently they don't need my business.
I visited the page where Amazon.com is selling the book in question. At the bottom of the page, the viewer is offered the following selections:
Look for similar books by subject:
Social Science
I clicked on the "Pedophilia" link to see what was there, and noted that the books listed were very strongly in opposition to pedophilia.
As long as Amazon.com offers readers the opportunity to purchase other works relating to the same topic, but from a different perspective, then as a commercial enterprise, not a moral entity, they have provided their customers with balanced options.
Personally, I find pedophilia repugnant and revolting. What I find equally disgusting is the common references equating pedophilia with homosexuality. As a gay man in a long-term adult relationship, I can think of nothing more nauseating than the seduction of prepubescent boys.
If this discussion has done anything positive, at least it has introduced the term "pedosexuality" into mainstream linguistics. I don't necessarily agree with the "-sexuality" suffix, because in fact pedophilia is a psychotic mental disorder, but perhaps it will serve as a reminder that most pedophiles are unable to maintain adult sexual relationships, and therefore cannot be categorized by sexual orientation.
One can, by their logic, peddle porn or hate filled philosophy under the guise of free speech
Well, here's a link to The Turner Diaries - made famous by Timothy McVeigh, et al -
Also, Amazon sells countless books written and published by Protestant fundies - books that espouse a world view that could be characterized as a "hateful philosophy".
I agree with FD and others, Amazon is not the morality police. I will continue to give them my patronage.
I wish there was some way to fight this. this is the line. I won't let it be crossed.
I wish there was some way to fight this. this is the line. I won't let it be crossed.
I applaud Amazon's stance in defense of free speech. This book may be full of pseudoscience, but last time I checked pseudoscience was not illegal. The responsible thing to do is to publish a rebuttal to it. Silencing the opposition is not a winning long-term strategy.
How in God's name is free speech tied into AMAZON selling a book in favor of Pedophilia. Free speech would not be harmed at all if Amazon dropped this book. There are plenty of other places this nut case can sell his book. He can advertize it on the NAMBLA web site, etc.
Nope...I continue my boycott of Amazon...not because it will affect their bottom line in the slightest...but because I am...if nothing else...a man of Principle.
Besides...the case can be made that this book is a how to manual...which should be illegal.
How in God's name is free speech tied into AMAZON selling a book in favor of Pedophilia. Free speech would not be harmed at all if Amazon dropped this book. There are plenty of other places this nut case can sell his book. He can advertize it on the NAMBLA web site, etc.
Because that is their charter - to make all ideas available. If they were to start censoring, then that would go against their principles - lofty ones, at that.
Nope...I continue my boycott of Amazon...not because it will affect their bottom line in the slightest...but because I am...if nothing else...a man of Principle.
Fine, that is your right. If you think Amazon is getting rich off this book, you are mistaken. Fortunately Amazon is a company of principle. That's why I support them. Freedom of speech doesn't just include ideas I agree with.
Besides...the case can be made that this book is a how to manual...which should be illegal.
Well, it isn't and it isn't.