Warning: Possible Triggers Below:
In 1999 Amazon because of public outcry pulled another book from their “virtual shelves” dealing with almost the same issue. So those who say this is a "free speech" move by Amazon I would rethink that statement.
by JeffT 71 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2000/104/16.0.html In 1999, organized protests forced Amazon to drop from its website another book that promoted pedophilia, "Varieties of Man-Boy Love," and customers have lodged complaints about the sale of books on bestiality and incest.
Amazon also pulled this title:
North American Man/Boy Love Association tome titled "Loving Boys" - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1557410011/
Warning: Possible Triggers Below:
In 1999 Amazon because of public outcry pulled another book from their “virtual shelves” dealing with almost the same issue. So those who say this is a "free speech" move by Amazon I would rethink that statement.
Quotes from the book:
"By explaining what 'pedophiles' really are," writes one pedophile, "it may help parents to understand that there may actually be benefits to such relationships."
Men who sexually pursue young boys are not monsters, but sincere, concerned, loving human beings who simply have a sexual orientation that is neither understood nor accepted by most others."
That report, written by professors at three acclaimed universities, actually suggested that sexual relationships between adults and “willing” children might be a more positive experience for children than previously thought.
The book's introduction credits the Internet for bringing into "public awareness" a topic that has been "disparaged and forcibly silenced."
And their victims, Are they disparaged and forcibly silenced? You bet your ass they are.
In the book's introduction , Riegel says: "Whereas men who were loved as boys, and men who have shared their lives and themselves with one or more boys, were before almost totally isolated from one another, the Internet has made possible extended discussions among all who choose to participate."
SafeHaven Foundation Press's purpose, according its website, is to "publish, distribute, and retail non-fiction works on the subjects of boylove, loved boys, and boylovers . "
Amazon’s comment:
Amazon.com and Chairman Jeffrey Bezos refused AFA's request in the Spring of 2000 to discontinue the sale of "Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers" and staunchly defended it. Carl Gish, Amazon.com General Manager and spokesman for Bezos defended the practice, "Our mission isn't to be a censor. It is to provide selection." Gish added "...those books are out there and there are people who think like that out there, and it's their prerogative."
Our nation has become so consumed with moral relativism that we must apparently now embrace the most sordid and offensive activity imaginable.
Yeru asked in response to my analogy of the Amazon and the phone company:
Ummm, would you say that if they were carrying kiddie porn sites?
What I'm saying is that it is not the phone company's responsibility to police what is transmitted over their phone lines.
To Yeru and others I would ask - whose values should dictate Amazon's selection?
You're not getting it...this isn't a "free speech" issue. NO ONE has a RIGHT to be sold. This freak has the "right to write what he wants, to seek a publisher...and to seek to sale his book...but no gaurantee any of that will happen. He has the right to SEEK to have his filth published...but no Gaurantee that it will be published. He has the right to SEEK to sale his book, but no gaurantee it will sale. Again, this isn't about free speech but rather about good taste.
Wal-Mart dropped a similair book from it's web site when it was pointed out to them what the book was about...that was good taste.
But REM, ya gotta stop waving that free speech flag...it's not flying...no one has a "Right to be Published or to Sale" only a right to seek such. Why not sale his book on NAMBLA's web site where it belongs?