There is no such thing as absolute free speech or free press. There is the old cliche in law school that one cannot yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. That is a limit on free speech. A television news report cannot libel some Hollywood celebrity (or anyone else for that matter). That is a limit on free speech.
The yellow journalism practiced in the 19th century led to libel laws being passed. One cannot print anything in the newspaper or magazine. That is a limit on free press.
So the question then becomes how much do we limit speech and how much do we limit the press (i.e., books, magazines, etc.)? Recently hate crime laws have been passed, as have sexual harassment laws. Both can limit free speech. I think it is up to each generation to decide how far to limit their freedoms. The pendlum has swung both ways in the history of this country.
I think it is short sighted to bellow loudly regarding absolute freedom of speech. We went through that this time last year on this site, which led to a "censor free" site being created. It wasn't long before that site was overrun with Nazi propaganda, which demonstrates a major drawback of absolute freedom of speech and press. It will be abused by the most extreme elements and degenerate to the lowest common denominator.
As far as this book, and others like it, I find it repugnant and disgusting but not surprising. Those elements are out there, and what you're reading and hearing is what has been said and done behind closed doors for a long time. It's just out in the open now. There are a great many people who are working very hard to acclimate people to the idea of sex with children. It's not phrased or presented that way, but the goal is the same. I'm afraid we're losing the battle.
If I were CEO of Amazon, I would not sell trash like this. Books, websites, etc. like this will influence the weak minded. Having said that, I am not inclined to boycott Amazon for selling this book. Cynically I'm aware they are probably doing so, not because of the "morality" of freedom of the press, but because they're making money doing so. Instead, I am in favor of educating people, spreading the word about what's out there. I showed this to a co-worker and she was beyond being shocked.
Knowledge is power. I believe the more people know how pedophiles think, the more aware they are of how dangerous it is to allow sex and children to mix.
I think more good can be done by showing this web page, and all the little pedophile comments on it, to as many people as possible. It's shocking to read someone talking about advocating the age of consent being 4 years old. Remember that shock the next time someone advocates this aberrant behavior as "alternative love", or talks about the beauty of it.
Incest, and sexual abuse, is not the case of some slinky nymphette named Lolita seducing a reluctant older man. No. Instead it is dirty, it is humiliating and it is embarassing. A child who is used sexually by an adult is forever changed. There is before and there is after. But the experience is not a good one. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something.