If You Could Take "It" Back, What Would "It" Be???

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    anything that you've regretted, that "if only" you could take it back, you would???

  • jgnat

    In a blush of teenage rebellion, my son cried, "I HATE YOU!"

    I lashed back, "Me, too!"

    His face crumpled. "i knew it. i always knew it." And he trudged up the stairs out of sight.

  • freedom96

    The thing I regret most, is when I got divorced from my ex-wife. Not the divorce itself mind you, but when we split, she took my child out of state.

    I get to see him quite often, and for that I am grateful to the courts for making that possible. However, if I could do it over, I would have filed for divorce where I live, before she was able to pick up and move. That way, I could have had my son within an hour of me for his entire youth. But I was trying to be the nice guy, and let her go back up to her family.

    She never would have been able to move out of the county with our child without my prior approval, ever. Now that might seem harsh, but if you knew what she has done since, who cares. Screw her and the damn broom she rode in on.

    Only 3 more years, and my son will be with me. For good.

  • JH

    My 1988 Nissan sentra worth 9000$ that I sold to a brother for $4500 because he was a brother. I was sooooo nice stupid to do that. I shouldn't have done that. You can't buy friendship. Today he shuns me.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    My 2002 Chevy Malibu.....and get a Toyota or Nissan instead.

    Frannie B

  • Francois

    In 1977, I made the most utterly stupid mistake in my life regarding Susan McGraw. If I could take it back, I would do it in a millionth of a heartbeat...if I still had a heart after all these years without her.


  • minimus

    Who is Susan McGraw???

  • teejay

    I was gonna say something stupid in this thread... till I started reading. Especially the ones about the kids. Think I'll keep my trap shut this time around.

    Sorry, jgnat and freedom. You too, Frank.

  • JH

    I would un do a few comments and threads and e mails and PM's I posted in the past. If only we could go back in time...

  • minimus

    Teejay, I am liking you more and more.

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