Gumby, I'm tellin' my wife!
I can't do it anymore.
by Gadget 69 Replies latest jw friends
You have to make up your you really wanna go back to the Org, knowing that you are going back to the Matrix and the LIES of the Watchtower.
Can you go against your conscious? Many on this board have lost friends and families because they decide to leave the Org because it was a BIG LIE...You know it is a LIE...
And your girlfriend is she READY TO LEAVE THE ORG...or you will pretend that you know nothing about the FALSEHOODS of the WT and live your life in the Org with your future wife...
It is a very a serious decision you have to make.
I will tell you about my self...
I was raised in the Org, my dad was C.O and a missionary from Gilead. I was a ministerial servant, pioneered for 8 years and participate to the pioneers school, and just before I steped down from all my privellages I was going to be an elder.
My doubts began with the new light regarding the generation 1995. I said there is something wrong here, so I went back to the old books of the WT. I was lucky to have all the books of booze Jo in my fathers library, and eventually found the book The time at Hand from Russell. When I read them ALL(my research lasted 6 months)I said that I was living in A BIG LIE.
Then I went trought the internet and so what I found out about the truth was truth. So I start the process to fade out. I have join a Greek Orhtodox Group most of them ex-jw's and we are helping others to leave the org. I also translate many articles from Free Minds that are not known to the Greek JW'S(U.N Scandal, Silent Lambs, the WT investments in the War Technologies, and many more)
But I know that is not enough. I just wait until the right time comes for my EXIT. I have my parents at old age and I don't want to hurt them. But what I care most are MY CHILDREN. I have 2 and I don't wan't them to grow the way I did. So the only way for me it is my EXIT. I know that it will bring and end to my marriage but I don't have any choice. Maybe I will loose my children, but not without a fight.
So don't go through this man. You can do better than that.
do you really wanna go back to the Org, knowing that you are going back to the Matrix and the LIES of the Watchtower.
And your girlfriend is she READY TO LEAVE THE ORG...
You cannot mislead this girl as her poor mental health would implode when she finds out your real intentions re reinstatement ( that is to say - you dont want to come back)
Thats the problem I've got, I'm so worried about what her reaction will be. We've talked on the phone this afternoon, and she wanted to talk about how I really feel but I was at my parents so couldn't talk then. She's phoning back tonight so we can have a proper chat, and I'm going to tell her then.
Good luck.
But I can never say that my advice would include returning to the Watchtower and the meaningless life that entails. Your best bet is to set a good example for this girl you love and FLEE DUBDOM! Maybe she'll follow you!
Or maybe not. Either way, a life in the dubdom isn't worth any amount of earthly love, because the organization sets you apart from God... at least, that's my take.
Stacy Smith
Good for you gadget, glad to see you'll be straight with her.
(((((( Gadget))))))) *first of all I hope she understands your "accent". lol
You are such a sweetie and I don't want any harm or hurt to you. But life is difficult and sometimes being hurt a little and go on is better than being hurt alot in the long run.
You've had some wonderful advice here. I really like BigT's. Good points. NO ONE or NOTHING should interferre with your marriage, including religion.
The big red flag that hit me about your post was "she's also said that she'd rather I slept with someone else rather than if I turned apostate" !!!! She has told you already how she feels, now you just need to be honest with her and then get on with your life. There are many fishes in the sea, sweetie, go out and start swimming.
Hugs and more hugs, cause I know this is both a wonderful time (freedom) and a soul searching time with honesty being the basis for your relationship.
She keeps on saying how much she misses me, and that she'll end up just turning up on my doorstep with all her stuff, but she's also said that she'd rather I slept with someone else rather than if I turned apostate.
If you can't handle the JW bullshit from the platform, could you handle it from your wife? Do you want to have kids with this woman? If so, do you want them going through that bs? I'm not trying to sound heartless, I've been in a similar situation. But you are'nt responsible for your GF's mental state. At all. If you decide to live a lie, you will be. Move on, would be my advice. I know it's not that simple, but you'll save yourself, her, & any kids you have more hassle thatn you'll know. If you want to have kids in this situation, it would be selfish.
Gadget, you are a loving and responsible young man. That makes you all the more attractive for a girl with any kind of smarts. You don't want to hurt your fiancee. That is wonderful. But, as others have mentioned, you cannot sacrifice your happiness for the pain you are about to put your fiancee through. You can see this relationship is not going to a good place, and you are beginning to taste the sweetness of honest living. Don't give that up for anything.
It seems to me, if you break up with your girl, she will be set-up for all kinds of sympathy at the hall. Does she have some JW girlfriends she can confide in? You will have grown the horns and teeth of an unreformed Apotate, after all. Especially as she repeats the story for ready ears. Sure, you would be pushing her in to the Watchtower's smothering embrace, but she will not be alone. She will get a lot of attention for a short while. She seems the sort that needs this kind of intensive TLC, anyways.
If she hates apostates, then it is better for you to break this affair. In the WT world there is no REAL love. It is "love" that it is under conditions set by the old men in Brooklyn. The JW's love you only if you follow the instructions...that's it.
Believe me, the pain you will feel now because of your separation from this affair it will be nothing, to what it will be, if you married her and have children and she finds that you are an apostate.
I was suprised to see the reaction of my wife when I told her that I no longer believe the WT crap. She turn into another person. She believes that I was possesed by the Devil and that I'm control by demons. She called the elders to help see the TRUTH and that I was spiritually weak. I didn't want to see them, but in the end we had a meeting, and I blew up the teaching of the 607 in front of their faces. They couldn't answer. So I close the meeting by saying that time will show up at the end the truth, and that I have time.
The only reason she is staying with me it is the kids. And she threaten me that if I dare to talk to my children regarding my ideas she will devorce me.
You see there are more things to loose if you join the WT. And out there you will find a person that will love you of what you are. I admit that I found a person that I could talk to her and she understood me. We had a great communication. I didn't continue to have anything with her since I was married and I had kids. There was a kind of understanding that I have never found in the JW's girls.
Just try to find her and you will buddy
Gadget, I think that you have answered your own question. You said "I don't want that to happen... I've been married before ...messy divorce"
Why not just show her this web site? She sounds likely to run back to the org rather than to you. But really haven't you already made your decision? I think so and I think you will have more peace with the honesty you now show yourself than the dishonesty of this relationship.
Lots of hugs and good wishes, Panda